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Jester zero 88

Rod Pro.

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I have been running shows, which I have loaded from my memory stick for over a week on the Jester (zero 88). Last night the macs were not working and had a test run today and the show is not running as it should (macs not flashing) . I tried deleting everything on the memory stick and saving the shows again from my laptop but all the same. Could anyone give me advice on what I could do to solve this problem. Thank You in advance.



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It may be an idea to physically check the leads and termination arrangements; could just be a duff connection. If you have enough spare leads try the substitution thing. Apologies if you have tried this already.


And fwiw unless the show changes from night to night you probably do not need to reload the memory each night,the desk stores the "last" show when you switch off.

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Thanks !!!


Weird . . . ? ? ? Everything working fine today, I think the desk might be corrupted in some way !


It may be an idea to physically check the leads and termination arrangements; could just be a duff connection. If you have enough spare leads try the substitution thing. Apologies if you have tried this already.


And fwiw unless the show changes from night to night you probably do not need to reload the memory each night,the desk stores the "last" show when you switch off.

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