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Yamaha 02r Routing


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I have a 02r with 1 DA88 and 2 DA38`s linked via the sync cables and a RC-848 remote. I am having issues with routing channels 17 - 24 onto the the third DA (DA38) machine. Has anyone had any experiance with this kind of setup please.








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I have a 02r with 1 DA88 and 2 DA38`s linked via the sync cables and a RC-848 remote.

Yikes. 1996 called, they want their project studio back!


I assume you've got three CD8TDII cards, not CD8TDI? Which slots are they in? Is this a v2 software desk?


I have this slightly hideous memory that you can only get 16 simultaneous outs on the 02R, but I could be completely wrong. Actually, looking at the manual I think you can only map 16 direct outs to cards in slot 1 and 2. Not sure where you're going to get 17-24 from except the buses....


I know for inputs on channels 1-16 you've got to switch input from 'analog' to 'digital' in the menus somewhere to get it to be able to pick up inpouts from digital cards. No idea about the outputs. There may be a similar switch.

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