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hanging lights outside span


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Now THAT I would like to see... Although where to get the projection screen from and that many VL4's? http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/huh.gif

Oh, sorry, I don't think you can't hang anything on it. Already up to max deflection y'see. ;)


If you use the wrong terms you look a numpty amongst those that do know what they're talking about.

I think everyone who posts here gets things wrong now and then, it takes more than a simple mistake like getting an acronym wrong to make you look a numpty.

Making a simple mistake and then getting all huffy and defensive if someone politely pulls you up on it though, that'll do it pretty much every time..


I got all huffy about it being blown out of proportion, I completely accepted it was wrong.



That's why I said 'if you really wanted to be scientific' and then went on to explain that in real world terms it was irrelevant.

Then you said 'this is complete rubbish, in real world terms it's irrelevant'

Eh? If you scroll up a bit your post and mine are both still visible right there, so stop digging.


You didn't say anything about it being irrelevant in "real world terms" in your post.

Neither did I in mine. I said it was "totally irrelevant" - its rubbish both in practice and theory.


And yes' date=' no rigger is really going to be sat with the calculator working out exactly how much, you're just going to make an assessment on whether it's safe, and if not, how you can make it so.






The fact I was out rigging arena stuff today is irrelevant...


None of the techs backstage care if you're David Bowie or the milkman.


So we like listening to professionals but people who hold that title do not hold that stature... until the forum says so? Or something?

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Moderation: At first, I thought we were there - and could move on, then I scrolled down, and it went off again.



For the record - the forum, in general does not care one jot about people's titles or status. You can be professional as soon as you get a proper job, earning your income from the business. You can also be totally useless. You can be an experienced amateur, with their income coming from elsewhere and be incredibly skilled and experienced.



I suspect the thing that is the problem is having your opinions accepted by others. Here, history shows we have a desire for accuracy in advice posted. I'm sure all of us have posted poorly phrased, over-complicated, over-simplified or just plain wrong information at some time - I certainly have - and others have pointed out the error. All that needs doing is a simple acknowledgement, and we move on, and everyone forgets these small things. Looking back through the archives, those that attempt to argue tiny points,with the attempt to persuade others they are correct, or to somehow justify their own rather unique viewpoint doesn't work.


It's such a tiny point we're discussing here, but numerically our rigging members are all singing from the same manual.


The forum rules are quite clear on this. Bad tempers, and pointed comments are simply not on.


From here on - we'll simply delete any posts that don't conform to our preferred style. Longer term members will know how we do it.



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So we like listening to professionals but people who hold that title do not hold that stature... until the forum says so? Or something?




Dave, you registered fairly recently - welcome to the forum. I'm not sure if you have been a lurker for a long time or only found this forum in the last few weeks so I can't tell how much you know about the culture here.


The Blue Room is a great resource where knowledge is shared freely. But generally speaking we like to understand who is participating in the discussion. Generally speaking we don't take notice of titles - see the discussions about "head of lighting" for example. We do have many people who have built a reputation for the quality and reliability of what they post. To be known as a poster of "stature" you need to build a reputation.


There are few people on this board who know each other in real life (although probably more than on most other forums given that this is specific to an industry and predominately UK based) so the interactions on the board plus the detail in the profile are all we have to go on.


Don't get hung up on the use of the wrong term - that's not the issue. The reaction to the "correction" is what makes the impression.


Welcome to the Blue Room - use it as a great resource and share your knowledge and experience to make it even better.

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None of the techs backstage care if you're David Bowie or the milkman.

So we like listening to professionals but people who hold that title do not hold that stature... until the forum says so? Or something?


No. I was trying to lighten the mood by quoting a famous humorous rant that many here will recognise.

My point was that it doesn't matter a jot who you are, what you do or how much you get paid for it - if you're wrong you're wrong.

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