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CLay Paky Mini scan HPE

Al Cain

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Hi guys,


I have just replaced a lkamp on one of our Clay Paky Mini Scan HPE's and found that it was also not working because the domed section of glass, I presume its some sort of lens, in front of the lamp was smahed to pieces.


I looked at the exploded diagram online and found it to be part numebr 25. Part number : 080470/00


Exploded Diagram here...


I need them for a show on Tuesday evening and apart from hiring a replacement, does anyone know where I might get the part at such short notice?

Also what is the part?


And if I use it without this part, will it damage the fixture?


Thanks guys


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The part you're talking about is known as the 'Condenser' Lens... if you turn the unit on, you'll understand what it's used for too. They do smash in units due to age and heat exposure over time.. and it's quite common for that to happen in the HPE's specifically. You can get the part from Pulsar who distribute Clay Paky spares & parts.


The unit cost of a new lens is about £30 + VAT & Delivery if I remember rightly.. and they'll be able to get that to you next day, which obviously will be no good to you as Monday happens to be a bank holiday! (how inconvenient!)


You can use the fixture without one, and it won't damage it.. but you won't get any effect from it. It helps make up the optics of the fixture and is used for magnification etc.. so what you'll end up projecting is a feint 'ghost' effect, you won't be able to see any of the gobos or any effects and it'll look like the lamp is in fact 50w as oposed to 300w. So technically, yes.. you can use it but unfortunately it'll be pointless.


Your best bet is to get hold of some hire companies and see if they have any spares you can buy or even hire for the duration of your production; and in the meantime.. get in touch with Pulsar and get yourself some new ones.


I'll PM you with some more details about the part too.




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