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the cube

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im not sure if this is in the right place but feel free to move it. im wondering how the cube on the show cube works it seems to be projection but the person in the cube can hear whats outside the cube so there must be speakes. just wondering if ny one hear can help



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Right Lets dissect this.


The OP is wondering about the projection on the top / bottom of the box. The top is likely to be a projection, the bottom is a LED 6x6 matrix.

As to the audio side, its not a sealed box, so he can hear as normal, no speakers needed.

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I must admit to wondering about this myself. I agree with DJ Dunc, it's 2 different things that are synchronised: the LEDs on the bottom and the projection on the top. Clever though, it does look like one image that's projecting all the way (if that even makes sense?)
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We went to see it being filmed - and actually found it quite boring. Its very stoppy-starty as some of the games need a full reset of course as well as the usual tediousness of tv production.

Phillips very chirpy though, even when there was ANOTHER delay when his twirly bridge thing got stuck halfway through travel!!

Just watch it the tele.its a lot quicker!!

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