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Hi I am a new user of PC stage. I want to fade down a song in a pre-event in PC stage and can't for the life of me work out how.?? I have been to every help file, guide, etc known to man.

I am obviously looking in the wrong place because it can't be that complicated - can it?.

Any help, advice, or ridicule is most welcome at this stage - dress rehearsal next week!!

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Hi I am a new user of PC stage. I want to fade down a song in a pre-event in PC stage and can't for the life of me work out how.?? I have been to every help file, guide, etc known to man. I am obviously looking in the wrong place because it can't be that complicated - can it?. Any help, advice, or ridicule is most welcome at this stage - dress rehearsal next week!!


Nope, its not that complicated and if you've got as far as making a cue play a track as a pre-event, then you are tantalisingly close.


Open the cue editor on the cue where you want the fade to occur. In the navigator pane on the left click on Pre Events. Using New button in top left, select "Wave Audio", and a new Wave Audio event appears as WAV:, and a bunch of radio buttons appear in the right hand pane. Select level. Select track, and then adjust other options to suit. A fade to 50 is pretty muc inaudible in a theratre environent. If you ain't gonna fade it up again, check "Stop after".


There, it took me about ten times as long to type how to do it, as it actually takes to do it! Just so its clear - you can have as many events as you need.


Now you've faded the sound, I recommend that in the play cue (I do it in every play cue,dont want any mistakes!) you set the level, otherwise it may still be fully faded out. So put a level event before the start event, and set the times to zero.


Once you've got an event or events, you can copy them to the event clipboard (on right click menu on cue in the main cuelist view or in editor navigator) and then you can drag and drop these events to other places in the cuelist; saves a lot of mouse clicking. When you close the event clipboard because it gets in the way you can reopen it with items intact with the PCStage menu. Note the events clipboard is not the windows clipboard; they are fully independent. Everything in PCStage uses the Windows clipboard with the specific exception of events.


You may wish to consider if you want dragging and dropping to move or copy; I like it to copy. You set this as a preference under miscellaneous.



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Hi John

Welcome to the Blue Room.

That means there are now 3 PCStage users on the Blue Room.

What David has said is correct, he is an expert.

Also, in addition to fades in pre events you can also pan the sound.

Very handy for the Ascot scene in My Fair Lady.

The more I use PCStage the more I like it.



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