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Mic stock


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So, where do people generally buy your mics from?

Best prices?


I have found one place online in the UK that states to sell 57's and 58's at 50 quid new.... so cheap that I start to doubt the originality of them.......



Far too cheap to be genuine. The company as whole seems to be a scam.


Good rule of thumb is to check the price on Thomann, significantly less than their price best be coming from a supplier you know already.

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yeah I just am not a great fan of thomann...

I have only made 2 orders from them... the first,

MY (personal) LS9.. was just a complete hassle.... paypal didnt want to transfer such a large sum of money for me... and even though they only had 1 console in stock, they told me to change payment format I had to cancel the order and re-oder.... and they knew they had a customer already waiting.. so I´d loose "mine" and someone else would get it and I'd have to wait..

after a week of non stop calls I told them to stuff it.

In the end got it from a local supplier I know (where I went for a job interview with once)... and he sorted me out with a very good price with the agreement that I do the odd job for him, possibly with the desk at a cheaper rate. Fair deal really.

Strangely my own boss is a yamaha stockist and refused to sell me one.. his loss.


2nd order, I bought a CD player.. its trash, it ignores the first half a second of each track! 30 day money back!? of course, if you can get them to give you the return details within 30 days good luck to you! (my current battle).

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Yeah, if you are going to buy cheap 57s/58s that are probably forgeries, you may as well save yourself some money and buy the genuine article directly from China from aliexpress; at least then you know exactly what you are getting.
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bloomin hek those forgeries are cheep... and the photos make a convincing sell.. but lets be honest the photos will be of the originals and nothing like what arrives.


but THAT cheap WITH postage??!?!??!

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Yep. So those 'tards flogging you a fifty quid "genuine SM57 mate" are making a decent whack on the transaction.


Thing is, the mic that arrives will be as much a Shure 57 as I am, but they may be perfectly acceptable microphones. After all, one doesn't buy a 57 or a 58 because it is a microphone of ultimate fidelity; one buys them because one likes the way they colour the sound. And whose to say that a dirt cheap look-a-bit-like wont also colour the sound in an equally (though probably different) pleasing way...? For guitar cabs and percussion the more choices in the mic box the better. On the other hand, I don't think I'd want one of their "Senny" RF systems.


Outside of dodgy microphones, one can get lots of good stuff from vendors like Aliexpress that isn't a knock-off; switch mode power supplies are one of my favourites, being able to save over 50% on the same thing but bought locally. I also got a nice DMX DC dimmer, here, from Ray Wu's store, after following pointers from the Christmas Light crowd who love the guy, and you'll see lots of stuff there that have seen before.


After being so complimentary I should say that I have no connection other than a satisfied customer. But AliExpress does seem to rock...

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Ok so I´m just thinking through the first order...

I have the cash to get "everything" at once but I'm gonna take my time and do it in stages...


so far I'm thinking of: (from thomann)

1 akg p2

2 sm57's

2 e845's

and a cheapo t.bone em800 stereo set for those "just incase" moments.


I'm thinking the p2 because... A its cheap and B, there "cajone" or cahone is reaaaally widely used here ... so would be far better than an extra 57.. plus its a bass drum mic for those times there actually is a bass drum!



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Ok so I´m just thinking through the first order...

I have the cash to get "everything" at once but I'm gonna take my time and do it in stages...


so far I'm thinking of: (from thomann)

1 akg p2

2 sm57's

2 e845's

and a cheapo t.bone em800 stereo set for those "just incase" moments.


I'm thinking the p2 because... A its cheap and B, there "cajone" or cahone is reaaaally widely used here ... so would be far better than an extra 57.. plus its a bass drum mic for those times there actually is a bass drum!




I've used a Beta 57 on a Cajone before and had great results...

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