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Sanyo projector remotes.


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Like I´m sure most companies, we have through time lost or broken all but one of our sanyo projector remoetes..


you know the standard grey remotes with the laser pointer...



Anybody know of cheap alternatives ???

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if you have 1 or 100 identical projectors, very soon you will have only 1 remote...


with the sanyo you could use the existing remote to programme a load of universal ones, but they will doubtless be even more useless than the sanyo which only really works reliably when you use the minijack to hardwire it, which you cant do with a universal.


not sure where to go in spain, but in the uk id try Chs Hyde and sons http://www.chsinteractive.co.uk/replacement_remote_controls/sanyo-13/ but prepare for a shock if its something like the xp57 remote which it sounds like from the description as these are stupidly expensive...



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not sure where to go in spain, but in the uk id try Chs Hyde and sons http://www.chsinteractive.co.uk/replacement_remote_controls/sanyo-13/ but prepare for a shock if its something like the xp57 remote which it sounds like from the description as these are stupidly expensive...


BLOODY HELL! Perhaps it's time to go through the box of "remote controls for equipment that no longer works". I could probably pay off my mortgage at those prices.

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