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Sennheiser CX300 headphones

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Hi all,


I have a pair of CX300 headphones, and one side has an intermittent fault which means it drops to half volume. A sharp tap normally restores it to full volume, but it is a little irritating. Doers anyone know if anything can be done to rectify this or are they destined for silicon heaven?





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Personally, I can't stand those in-ear thingies, but when I do have to use them, I have noticed that if one is even slightly out of my ear the volume drops very quickly. Perhaps they aren't pushed in far enough? It seems unlikely that there is a fault with the phones which would lower the volume and not cut it out completely. Maybe try some different rubber insert ear thingies. If not, then it might be a problem with the connections, and thats gonna be difficult to solder.
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If they have the little hole in the middle to let the sound out, check that this is not plugged with wax. This causes the volume level to drop noticeably.


Common problem with in-ear 'phones. With my Sonys I've found that a resistor lead is the right size to poke through.


Colin C

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Same. Mine eventually gave up the ghost in one ear though, so silicon heaven it is I suspect.


I personally feel they're almost worth looking at as a consumable, if folks don't have decent IEM earphones then they do the job nicely at a fairly good price point. That and a bit of bungee cord to make sure the connector doesn't pop out!

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