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I am sure that this has probably been discussed before but I am in need of some splurge here in New Zealand. We are doing a school production of Bugsy Malone and I am having a great deal of trouble trying to source cans of splurge/avalanche foam/blizzard foam. Has anyone ever made it themselves? Could a gun be made that had a bike pump somehow attatched? I can purchase cheap silly string guns here in New Zealand but I think that Splurge/Cream Guns would be far more effective. Anyway I would appreciate any help at all on this subject. Thanks
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There's load of threads about making the guns in various ways but the best method is usually Avalanche Spray... I found one of the manufacturers of the Avalanche Spray however they had stopped production due to a shortage of one of the raw materials but you could try contacting them directly; IMP Chemicals Limited (01204 793422)


I also have an MSDS for the last version of the product - which includes a few warnings that may make it unsuitable for use as 'splurge' ; "R36 Irritating to Eyes", "R37 Irritating to respiratory system", "R38 Irritating to eyes and skin", "R52/53 Harmful to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effect in the aquatic environment"


Obviously IMP Chemicals are a bit far away from New Zealand but maybe they can point you in the direction of an importer, or similar product ?

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