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Magic q and mac 250 issue


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Running a show with a laptop and a chamsys pc wing, mac 250's patched and working. Positions are fine (pan and tilt embossed are fine) colours are all good as are gobos. But I cannot for the life of me find the prism attributes for them. I'm sure they usually come under magenta or yellow (can't remember which, but I cannot access these options) I can however assign fx (a ramp for example, to the prism and this works) but I just want to be able to select the prism and can't seem to do it.


The mac 250's are in mode 4




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Sounds like your .hed file might be damaged then.

I've just fired up MagicQ here (Mac250, not +, Krypton or Entour; mode 4) and prism is encoder D on Beam Page 1 (along with Shutter [A], Focus [C], Rotate [F] and Gobo [X])


Go into Patch, use "Choose Head" to select the Mac 250, then choose "Edit Head" - selecting "View Chans" should allow you to see which (if any) encoder is mapped to the prism.

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For future reference, on systems running v1.4.9.0 or earlier the prism is normally on beam page 1 encoder D. From v1.4.9.1 onwards we have made some significant changes to the personality library including the gradual introduction of 'real-world' values into the personalities and as part of this the prism has moved onto bean page 2 to be with the rotate attribute for the prism.



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