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Rear projection screen for edge blend


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Hi-I need to rent a rear projection widescreen 28ft by 4ft or near.It will be edge blended and I was hoping someone had a suggestion for the best screen as my recent experiences have meant that the edge blend is highly visible when viewed from most angles except 90 degrees. Thanks in advance.


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Do you really mean a 28ft x 4ft screen, this isn't a standard ratio. If you really need this size it will be a custom order I expect, as its unlikely that anyone will have this specific size in hire stock.





Hi-I need to rent a rear projection widescreen 28ft by 4ft or near.It will be edge blended and I was hoping someone had a suggestion for the best screen as my recent experiences have meant that the edge blend is highly visible when viewed from most angles except 90 degrees. Thanks in advance.


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also use harkness and have had good results with both translite grey and black, which is higher contrast and being black is less visible with no image. with regard to viewing angles, ive never had a problem, but badly done rear projection looks worse than badly done front. you will have your work cut out blending onto a 28/4 screen as at a guess thats around 8 projectors and thats not a 5 minute job...


however if its a 4' screen you could but rosco material as it comes in a 1.2m width off the roll, so it would be a cheap way to do it assumming its getting stapled to an aperture in a set, The Rosco material is pretty good and available in both grey and high contrast black, any lighting supplier will either have it in stock or be able to get it in.

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Hiya...Right rear projection surface, only 1 to go fr in opera blue, don't use a standard RP surface (like polacoat) as the hotspots will make balancing difficult and fall off will just look horrid.

There are some very similar surfaces to opera blue around, harkness may well make one..they'd probably be able to recommend a surface similar to o/b properties.


you can buy surfaces off the shelf and staple into framework of any size to form whatever pixel space you wish to use. Avoid short (0.8) lenses if possible.


hth john

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I'm with John on this one; Opera from Gerriets International is superb. Check out the off-axis gain here: http://www.gi-info.com/projscreen.html and if you can't get Opera, then anything with low gain (and low fall-off) will do. Be aware that the screen gain for Opera is 0.5, so you've already lost half the light output from your projection.


And yes short throw lenses make the hot-spotting and fall-off far worse.


I doubt you would want to use 5 projectors to make a 28' x 4' image (although it does depend on what vertical resolution you want), 2 or 3 HD projectors with lots of blanking will likely do the job.



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