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Well, yes - but I'm hard pushed to think of a case where you'd only want it for certain cues - but if that's the case, then a mark cue would be the simplest way, and maybe you're just not doing it correctly - or perhaps appropriately? I'm assuming the problem you have is that lights come up, as it's still moving - so if so, you have the choice of building in the extra cue, which is to do the move, but not the light up? I quite like it to be done as the follow on cue - so one set of lights have come up, and another, including the problem mover has gone down. I'd just add another inbetween cue that does the move without the light up maybe a second or two after the light out one completes - and trigger this to run after the first completes. Or if it's a quiet moment in the show and the mover makes a noise, or is just very visible, do the movement slowly, and maybe as a manually started mark cue you run yourself at the right moment, rather than automatically?
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Thanks. I will try different ways and see wich one is the best.


Did you try the "Mark cue" button on the cue you want the mark cue to be created for?


You have the option of setting the whole cuestack to move while dark, or you can manually add mark cues like the above.

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Not specific to Chamsys, but one example of NOT wanting to have the entire Cue Stack set to Move in Black is for deliberate live moves. Lights are set on stage, next Cue Peel them into the Audience. If the entire stack is set to Mark, then you wouldn't get the live move.


As a side not, I tend to Mark on a Cue by Cue basis, and yes I do build my own Mark cues from time to time. One advantage is that I store a palette with Intensity only (fixtures at 0%), and label it 'MARK!'. When I build my mark cues, I set the lights to this Palette - so in the Cue sheet I can see which lights are 'Marked'.



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Not specific to Chamsys, but one example of NOT wanting to have the entire Cue Stack set to Move in Black is for deliberate live moves. Lights are set on stage, next Cue Peel them into the Audience. If the entire stack is set to Mark, then you wouldn't get the live move.


When you say "Lights are set on stage", do you mean that they're on, or just that you've preset the position on stage but they're off?

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First cue - lights are Preset on stage, @ 0%. Next cue Intensity @ Full, in Audience Position. So when Cue 2 plays, you get the live move. If Move in Black is active, the console will Mark the lights into the Audience position, which we don't want in this case.



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First cue - lights are Preset on stage, @ 0%. Next cue Intensity @ Full, in Audience Position. So when Cue 2 plays, you get the live move. If Move in Black is active, the console will Mark the lights into the Audience position, which we don't want in this case.


Thought that might have been the case. To me (an electronic engineer) "Set" means "On", thus my confusion!

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One handy workaround when applying Move in Black to an entire cuelist is to keep any fixtures that you do not want to mark at just 1%. This will tell the console that they are on, when visually, for the majority of fixtures, the light output is still zero. Therefore the "mark" is not applied.


It's a good way of keeping more control over such a global configuration.

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