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Another Element Question...


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Hi all,


I'm sitting in front of an element, and I'd like to record channel 100 at 100% into a sub. Easy right? Not so, it seems I can't make the desk record ONLY channel 100, it keeps recording scroller positions into the sub. I don't want it to do this. I just want channel 100. The scrollers are attached to completely different channels (63-66).


Any ideas on how to *not* record any other information one doesn't need into a sub? I think it's because the desk thinks it's recorded a 'tracked' position or somesuch. But I'm not sure. I've tried the manual, to no avail and it seems the ETC element forum is down.




E2A: My own feeble attempts at problem solving...

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if it is the same syntax as an ION (as they are both EOS family), I think the command is: [100] [record] n [enter] if I remember correctly off the top of my head? I don't have an ION but just happened to ask almost this very question at the training last year before doing a show at a theatre with one. PV
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Element records everything that's Manual (Red), unless you tell it to record something specific.



[Record] [1] [Enter]

- Records all the Manual levels onto Sub 1.


(Channel) 100 [Record] [1] [Enter]

- Records just Channel 100 onto Sub 1.


(In Live, Channel is assumed and turns up on the command line when you start typing a number. In Blind, the number is assumed to be the kind of 'thing' that you're looking at- eg in Blind Effects numbers are assumed to be Effects unless you say otherwise.)

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