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I'd have thought a search would have bvrought back a ton of threads, but it says zero, so...


Our non-profit is considering buying a data projector, to do dynamic scenary and effects on out tiny clubroom stage (7m x 3.5m), club meetings, awards shows, all sorts of stuff. We're limited in that (a) we need to be able to afford the thing, and (b) it needs to be purchasable in Nw Zealand.


I can find suitable models by looking on projector Central, but my big question is how should I solve the DLP / LCD dilemma? My temptation is to say that DLP suffers from colour artifacts, and thus I should just go LCD.


Am I wrong and/or being very stupid?

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I'd be so bold as to suggest that 'you' may be the only one to spot any difference, unless you did a literal side-by-side comparison with someone who cared about such things.


I tend to think if the 'colour artifacts' were an issue, the market would for DLP would be dead....


We have a DLP in a school hall and no-one has mentioned anything about the quality - even the fact it's not quite square :** laughs out loud **:

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For me, the rainbow effect you get with DLP is kinda distracting but I know that it doesn't bother some other people. Given that DLP doesn't seem (from my experience) to have any significant advantages over LCD, I'd probably go down the LCD route.
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I tend to think if the 'colour artifacts' were an issue, the market would for DLP would be dead....



It's something that annoys me, although many people can't see it at all, but it's why we have an LCD projector for home cinema use even though DLP would theoretically offer us better contrast radio :(


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even though DLP would theoretically offer us better contrast radio :(

Experience doesn't seem to prove that particular theory - the last home cinema DLP projector I saw had just as much spill when black as any LCD.

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If you can find a 3-chip DLP in your price range - go for it. Your contrast will be better and colours more vivid.


Otherwise LCD should be suitable for you - a lot have clever processing on them to improve the percieved performance.

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depends on the money... id say LCD will offer the most for your money untill you have a fair bit to spend, and if you are blessed with unlimited funds, triple chip dlp is the way to go. just to muddy the waters, why not lcos? if you are looking for a midrange unit and quality is the most important factor a Canon Xeed unit will outperform both lcd and dlp units. you pay for the privilidge. personally speaking our hire stock is roughly 75% lcds mainly sanyo with some hitachi & others 25% DLP all panasonic with a couple of Lcos Canon units. From our units if I had to recomend a well priced all rounder it would be a LCD sanyo unit, but thats a personal opinion. Buy the best you can afford from a manufacturer you have heard of that offers a 3 yr warranty and you wont go wrong irespective of the innards.
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