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Hello out there

I am looking for a set of serious headphones for a drum position.

My drummer likes it real loud in his headset so it has a tendancy to distort or clip in the low frequency.

We did use AKG 240's but then changed to Senheisers

Any ideas

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There are some proper drummers headphones around that are high isolation high output. Can't remember the manufacturer though.


I often use my DT150s when I drum, and they're very good, but I did once take out a driver when a monitor engineer decided I wanted 140dB of my own bass drum in my headphones...


As another thought though, if your drummer is afternmega bass have you considered a 'butt kicker'? Basically a low frequency vibrator attached to the stool that restores the felt bass that headphones can't give you.

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There are some proper drummers headphones around that are high isolation high output. Can't remember the manufacturer though.


I often use my DT150s when I drum, and they're very good, but I did once take out a driver when a monitor engineer decided I wanted 140dB of my own bass drum in my headphones...


As another thought though, if your drummer is afternmega bass have you considered a 'butt kicker'? Basically a low frequency vibrator attached to the stool that restores the felt bass that headphones can't give you.


I've seen simular with a sub situated directly behind the drummer and the drummer using an Aviom system for his in-ears

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I use both the Sennheiser HD-25's and a butt kicker when playing an electric kit, and that combination is incredible, I have used a butt kicker live on an acoustic kit when the drum sub driver blew, not perfect but worked well.


And unless your drummers like 10cc's drummer (ended up using one stack of a Martin blackline pa)

Then most of the options above will work great.

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