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OK, I know nothing about flying systems, but I had a look at the survey out of curiosity. Do you plan to spell check your final year disseration [sic] better than you have done so in that survey? I know I will put a lot of effort into ensuring my final year work (and in fact all of the work I have done/will do) is written in good quality English.
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dont know about unis, but secondary schools love surveys atm, and seem to be using survey monkey.


Its a "buzz thing" it covers IT, Internet, and Interactivity, unfortunatly, so little thought often goes into these "surveys" (not commenting on the one from the OP, its not my feild so havn't looked) its impossible to get any meaningful information out, or without it being bias.

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I don't understand this sudden enthusiasm for "surveys" in the academic world.

Is it a new government guideline or something?

I'm not going to talk about the quality of this particular survey but, to be fair to Will, if he had just posted


'I'm doing my final dissertation on Flying systems, the advantages and disadvantages of each of them, can you tell me about them'


someone would have told him to ask specific questions.

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I filled one in for you.


BTW: if this is an area you'd like to work in then you should probably decide whether the correct spelling is "Counterweight" or "Counter Weight" and not use them interchangeably, and you should also know that "theatre" is only spelled with a capital when it's part of a name, as in "Theatre Royal" and not when it refers to a concept. Others may like to bear this in mind too as it seems to be a common misconception at present. HTH.

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Schools and Colleges use surveys as research, when they're told not to copy direct from the net - it's a lazy tool, that without a real understanding of how they work produce totally rubbish results. Final dissertation worries me - because that is NOT a degree level product in any shape or form. I suspect dissertation is the new impressive term for "produce a report".
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There are spelling mistakes. There are too many open questions - have you decided how you are going to code the answers?


Tip to William, and any other students on this type of course, questionnaires are almost invariably the wrong tool for this type of work. They are used for large scale studies where extensive pilots have already been carried out and where the questions are precisely constructed to test a particular research hypothesis. In this case the method of choice IMHO would be discursive interviews carried out with a pre-selected sample of interviewees who have proven experience of more than one flying system. The Blue Room could be used in that case to ask this question: "I am carrying out some research into various flying systems. I would be grateful if any BR members with experience of flying using more than one system who would be prepared to take part in an interview about them would contact me." Following this method you may actually learn something. Tip 2: If the answer is in the literature you don't need any primary research - no matter what your supervisors might have you believe!


Paul is quite right and is not being pedantic. A final dissertation is a major item of work on which the major part of the degree classification will be based. If this is a final dissertation I can only agree with his conclusion.

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Totally agree. When I was writing my dissertation I did targeted email interviews and got some great answers that provoked some interesting points of discussion.

If I'd done a yes/no or a/b/c/d survey open to anyone and his monkey my results would've been far less useful and I would have had no idea as to the validity of the data.


I also had plenty of verified sources from the AES and other journals and books.

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So your dissertation is on the advantages/disadvantages of flying systems? And the questions in your survey ask the same thing but from my point of view.


You know, I don't really want to do your homework. Sorry.

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I don't understand this sudden enthusiasm for "surveys" in the academic world.

Is it a new government guideline or something?

When I did my final essay thingy at university (either called a dissertation or a research project), it only had to be half the length if you did some original research as opposed to just researching existing sources.


I think all I found out was that people care a lot more about whether the fans in power amps blow front to back or back to front than you would think, apparently it's a major purchasing choice factor.

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Totally agree. When I was writing my dissertation I did targeted email interviews and got some great answers that provoked some interesting points of discussion.

If I'd done a yes/no or a/b/c/d survey open to anyone and his monkey my results would've been far less useful and I would have had no idea as to the validity of the data.


I also had plenty of verified sources from the AES and other journals and books.

I can confirm this having been Jons supervisor ;-)

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I loved this one:


What advantages and disadvantages have you seen whilst having no flying system in place?



Well, simply, the advantage is, that no-one flies, making a show more simple, and less heavy on the Insurance ...weather the show reqiuires flying or not??? The disadvantage could also be that er.. no-one flies......if the show required it.


A really stupid question.


Flying systems can be put in place pretty much anywhere if required. look no further than the film industry, that can fly from anything. (Although I must admit the budgets are usually higher).....with the exception of Spiderman The Musical, of course :D ..and greenscreens!

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