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what digital desk ??


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Hi all



Need some opinons on what digital mixing desk to get? Started a club night using local bands and have been currently using a hire mixer (dynacord) club night proving succesfull so wanting to invest in a desk.


Want to go down the digital route due everything being there ie compressors, gates etc,etc and the size factor (tired of lugging round out board gear)


narrowed my choice down to 3 desks the sony 01v96, tascam DM-24 and the sound craft 324 live.


can I get some opinions or other reccomendations?



thanks scott

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If you have the budget, definitely the O1V96. An excellent board, and if you have to be aware of "operability" you'll find that more and more sound techs are experienced with the Yamaha methods of working.


The Soundcraft 324 was also a very nice desk in it's day, but see another thread in here...production is now discontinued and accessories etc will become hard to get. According to the other thread, there are some good prices now though.


Finally, the other desk I'd have a look at, particularly if price is an issue, would be the Behringer DDX3216. I've not used one myself, but it's earned itself a very good reputation over at alt.audio.pro.live-sound.


As an aside, if you need extra mic channels, have a look at the Behringer ADA8000. It'll plug into the ADAT input of the O1V96 (and add an MY16AT if you need even more) or the Behringer board.



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I own a DDX3216 and prefer it for live use over the 01v96 (by a tiny edge)


I think the metering is the major point in its favour.


I don't know where you are based scott but if you are in the SW london area and want to see a 3216 in use then drop me a PM.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi all



Thanks for your replies greatly appreciated.


Think I have decided to do a 180 on the mixer though, decided that a digital desk might just be too fiddly to use in live situations so thinking a decent analogue desk and some outboard gear.


thanks again

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However at the moment, the first time I work with a band I tend to work analouge and only move away from analouge when I have an idea what sound they are after and what I'm doing with them .



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  • 6 months later...

Hi there,


I thought I'd resurrect this thread as I'm thinking of changing from analogue to Digital in the next few days.


Firstly, because I want mix automation on a recording that I'm currently working on, and secondly, I think it'd be a very useful thing to have in a live situation esp when more than one band is playing.


Also, I think it will make people go OOOHH!



I'm basically wondering what is available - I'd really like an O2R/96 but it's like £8k and that's quite expensive to for me.

But I am also aware that Tascam make some desks too. at least 16 pysical XLR inputs and main and aux outputs are important to me as my multicore is 16ch with 4 returns.


I was told today the the Tascam DM24 has been discontinued - anyone know if this is true? - it's still being advertised on DV's website and on the GAK website and also is listed on the Tascam site.




Ta, Si

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I was told today the the Tascam DM24 has been discontinued - anyone know if this is true? - it's still being advertised on DV's website and on the GAK website and also is listed on the Tascam site.




Ta, Si


DM3200 is replacement. Turnkey had some (rumour has it) of the old ones very cheap - may be worth checking

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The Mackie TT24 is a snip at £5k, is specifically designed for live use, has 24 XLR inputs, as well as digital EQ/comp/gate on all channels. The interface looks really simple too (I always found Yamaha's a bit clunky).


Has anyone actually used one? I've never seen one in the flesh (they're relatively new), but I really liked the interface of the old D8B, and it seems like a really good deal for the features.


(damn, I've nearly sold it to myself now...)

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Hmm true. I also just noticed it's also kind of lacking in metering (I knew there was *something* missing :P), although it does have signal/clip lights.


If they slapped some direct outs on and 7-segment LED meters on each channel, it'd be a killer desk.

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I was told today the the Tascam DM24 has been discontinued - anyone know if this is true? - it's still being advertised on DV's website and on the GAK website and also is listed on the Tascam site.




Ta, Si


DM3200 is replacement. Turnkey had some (rumour has it) of the old ones very cheap - may be worth checking


The 3200 any good?

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doesn't have direct outs though - so not great for multitrack recording unless the ADAT lightpipes are used.


Looks cool though.



TT24 - It's not designed for multitrack recording. However there is a reasonable matrix, plenty of auxiliary outs and lots of other things which give it pretty good functionality as a live sound desk. I spent a couple of hours having a demo on it recently, and would favour it over most other desks in this price range or below, as a live desk. If I was building a studio or mobile recording unit, I'd probably keep looking elsewhwere, but as a diehard analogue fan with mostly live experience, I was favourably impressed.


I wouldn't use it without an external screen though - a laptop is OK, but the first time I saw it was with a 30" plasma screen. plenty of nice big metering there.


I agree with Russ about yamaha's clunky interface at this price level - this was the main reason I've been hesitant about going digital in our new theatre. I've got a pal who's just got himself a PM5D which he swears by, but my budgets don't stretch that far....

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CAUTION! Behringer DDX3216 (or at least the latest batch) have had an increasing number of faults. I ordered one a good month and a half ago for a gig this friday, and it's still not in working order.
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I think I've just sold myself a Yammie DM1000!


Looks v good for live and also is a Production desk - I could also cascade a second when I can afford it! And the Studio Manager 2 Software it comes with is v useful too.


Anyone else used it?

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