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Prostage II Effects

Neil Hampson

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I'm hoping this won't attract a 'if you don't know don't' response, but

I'm after a bit of info regarding some ProStage pyro packages. For Panto

in previous years we have used the Pyroflash range off effects without

any trouble, however this year we have more effects than in previous

years and they are concentrated in act 1 of the show (so I can't reload

mid-show) To have a large number of flash pods on the edge of the stage

would start to look a little too untidy. For this year I want to look at

using the Prostage range, as they would not need to use the bulky pods,

(Due to positioning we can't semi-conceal them in the dips this time) I

believe that the Pyropot is packaged with the plastic pot similar to a

pryoflash but with wires instead of pins. (if so is it the same size?)

But what format do the Prostage 'Flash' come in? in a pot, or just

wrapped like an airburst?

I think the best option would be the Pyro pot as I can build holders

into the stage. There is very little risk of the pyro being trodden on

by cast and I can easily maintain the safety distance to the audience.


If anyone has a picture of the two type of devices that they can post

that would be great prior to making any further plans.



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