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Grass Valley T2 HD iDDR


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As the title says, am after a Grass Valley T2 HD iDDR for a job 17th jan for a week and am struggling to try and find anyone that hires one. If anyone knows of one who hires these I would be most grateful. Have tried the usual suspects but to no avail



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Have you tried VER? I'd be surprised if they didn't have any!


Try Scott - details below.


Scott Russell

srussell@verents.com VER - Video Equipment Rentals

St Albans, UK

+ 44 (0) 1923 852 347 office

+ 44 (0) 7831 878 704 mobile

www.verrents.com <http://www.verrents.com/>

Anaheim | Atlanta | Boston | Chicago | Dallas | Detroit | Glendale | Las Vegas | Miami | Nashville | New Orleans | New York | Orlando | Phoenix | San Diego | San Francisco | Seattle | Washington D.C. | Montreal | Toronto| Vancouver | Amsterdam | London




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