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Remote Control of Smoke Machines


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I am in the situation where I need to put a smoke machine (or several) on a piece of moving scenery so there will be no trailing wires (power, control or otherwise). Smoke pellets are not an option.


I have heard talk of a Scotti (may not be spelled correctly) but can't find any info - does anyone here know anything about it or can come up with a solution?




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I think the fogger you're thinking of is spelt "Scotty", although I don't know more about it.

There are other small, low power foggers, like the Look Solutions Tiny Fogger available, although none come with radio control as far as I know. They could, however be battery powered and triggered by an operator.

If you need more smoke, and have room for an operator on your scenic piece, the LeMaitre Mini Mist can be operated for a period of time even when removed from the mains supply.



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