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Sound to light

Jake R

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I'm try to get the "sound to light" to work on my Behringer LC2412 but can't seem to do it. Is there any sort of video or some thing to help the manual is not very helpful. :** laughs out loud **:




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My first guess, if you think you are doing the right thing, is to vary the audio level. I've no experience of the B desk, but have struggled with others in the past. Too much and it swamps any variation, too little and it just won't register.
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It's a little while since I actually used it, but I remember also struggling to get my head around sound-to-light in the Behringer manual...


I think there are 2 different uses for sound to light... one which is simply to use the audio input (bass signal) to trigger the currently selected chase, (I think by using the sound-to-light key, but wouldn't swear to it)

and the other is to use the full audio range (bass, mid, treble) and pause to trigger states stored on B memory faders 9-12, which seems to work relatively well.


If you need any more help, drop me a PM and I'll see what I can remember :P



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To instigate the sound-to-light button, you need to program memory faders 9-12. The sound to light will then modulate the fader positions on 10,11,12 for bass, mid and high respectively. If there's no music input, just fader 9 will be instigated. This is to allow you to program a 'no music' memory and store it under fader 9. You may need to fiddle with the actual fader positions to get it to work.


The above sound to light is really for generics. If you want to apply sound to light to scanners, colour changers, flowers etc (disco stuff) then you need to program chases (made from scenes) and then have them trigger by sound. You do this by pressing the SOUND/RUN button until the 'sound' led is lit. Then every bass beat will advance the chase by one step.



I have been disappointed with the actual sound-to-light pickup. It uses an AGC controlled audio stage which seems to wind the gain back so much that anything less than a perfect signal will not give a good enough beat without constantly fiddling with the audio level.

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when running the chase scene, bring the chase fader level up to full, set the other 2 faders to required level, somewhere quite high in the fader area, and then there is a button named, sound/run, press that till the little strip light below it is lit. Hope this helps :P as said above make sure it is in 9-12 on preset B, not to sure if they work on 1-8.
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there is a button named, sound/run, press that till the little strip light below it is lit. Hope this helps Christmas_smile_Smile.gif as said above make sure it is in 9-12 on preset B


This is a wee bit confusing.


The SOUND/RUN button (bottom right of the console) selects the source of the chase trig signal...either RUN (which is programmed seperately) or SOUND (which comes via a line-level music input).


The SOUND to LIGHT button (to the left of the master faders) is really a channel modulator and will alter the levels of either chases or scenes. If a chase is saved to a memory fader (CTM) then all the channel levels will potentially modulate in that chase, whatever they are patched to.


You could combine the two together I suppose for some kind of pychedelic light show, this might need some creative programming for intelligents!

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