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MTC to SMPTE converter?


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Hi guys,


Can anyone point me towards a reasonably priced MIDI Timecode to SMPTE converter?


Many thanks,




What does "reasonably priced" mean? For US$350 there is the JLCooper PPS-2. If you can get one used the now discontinued MOTU Miditimepiece AV will work. There seems to be a few on eBay



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WRT the JLCooper, be aware that if you wish to convert MTC to SMPTE, then you need to make sure you get the PPS-2 Plus option fitted.


The website seems to imply that if you are buying a new one the Plus option (not an option?) is included. On a used one it may have to be added.



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That one only does SMPTE to MIDI - the original question was asking about the other way round.

Bugger. You are, of course, correct: apologies to the OP.


Thats what happens when one don't use a gadget this century, one forgets the detail...

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