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R140 Riggers remote


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Anyone know if it is possible to adjust the display contrast on a strand R140 riggers remote? It's running from a 520i if that makes any dfference!


Dunno if mine is faulty or not, but you can hardly read a thing. It's even worse in the dark. The backlight works fine, just can't read any of the text. As usual strand website offers little help. Not even a pdf.

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A quick google search turned up this manual on the Strand Website (not avavilable through a link on the main site, it would seem.


Simultaneously press and hold “.†and “*†keys (2 bottom right

keys) to adjust display contrast using V ^ keys.



Doh! Just realised you're looking for the R140 instead of the R120 - all these R numbers got me confused. Strange that they don't have the manual online for it. Sorry for confusion!

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