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ETC Concept


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As part of an essay I am writing, I am looking for any information there is on the ETC Concept. I have already emailed ETC and searched the web, but I'm not getting many results. Tech Specs, manuals and any info would be helpful. I am also looking for peoples opinions of the desk: If it was easier to use than other desks of it's time, what features it had that you found particularly useful, if it changed the way you ran shows etc. Any information at all would help me immensely.


Thanks in advance,


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It seems you may have some luck if you widen your search to include information on the Arri Imagine 1, as this is what the Concept was branded as in the UK.


This page: linky has a link to the Imagine manual as a pdf file - though the date on it is 1989, so not sure if it's the first release of the Concept software or a later version.

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