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Band Lighting Advice


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When I play in show bands or pit orchestras, I always take my own music stand light. Trying to use stage lighting is really risky, because they always dim and blackout even when they promise not to! On top of that, I find it very difficult to read in blue light - but can just about cope with others. The other thing is that when moving lights strobe, or just flick across my eye line, I lose my place. Worse still is when you need to look at the MD, and as you look up, you get blinded. In this case the band might, I suppose be in costume and playing a part - that of the band. Bands are notoriously unreliable at doing anything except playing dots so may well be in very different positions each night, making any attempt to 'land' a beam on them very difficult.


All things considered, the project sounds a nightmare!

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Moderation: There's a general consensus amongst the mods that this topic is going nowhere. The original poster has received lots of good advice from experienced professionals (mainly "keep it simple and forget expensive movers) which he seems dead set on ignoring. Therefore, time for the dancing locks. If anyone is convinced that they have something important to add, contact a moderator and we will consider re-opening this train wreck.





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