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Ancient lighting

Guest lightnix

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Guest lightnix

Following on from the Strand MMS, pin matrix and Avolites history threads, I thought it might be fun to start up a thread for links to sites featuring lighting kit of yesteryear.


We all know about the Strand Archive and fans of old desks might like this site, although it's a little basic at the moment. I also found this site on the history of light & lighting, starting with the birth of the Universe.


If you know of or find any similar sites out there, pop a link to them in here :stagecrew:



A Brief Outline of the History of Stage Lighting

A Brief History of the Arc Lamp

The Edisonian Museum

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Moderation, 29/10/04 00:12 - various posts in this topic have been split off to a new thread here. Please try to keep things on-topic, guys and girls - Lightnix started this topic as a place to post links to sites about lighting kit from yesteryear. Interesting though it is to ask questions about what modern-day kit we'll be remembering in 'x' years time, it's off-topic for this particular thread. Thanks.
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