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Lee Frost/Diffusion


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Apologies for dragging up the subject of a fashion show again but I could do with suggestions on which Lee frost gel to go for.


I need to light a fashion show in September with no budget and in a marquee that is more than likely not going to offer any hanging points. Therefore I will need to use my Par56 300W T-bars along the sides of the catwalk and a couple of Par64 1KW wides at the end to provide a front fill. My worry is that there will be very little opportunity to get them high and I need to soften the potential blinding effects on the punters/models without taking too much power out of the Par beams, especially the 56s.


Looking through my Lee swatch book, 216, 404, 414 and 413 seem likely contenders - any advice you might have on these or others would be greatly appreciated.



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Putting diffuser in front of a par turns it into a soft source - but the actual front is sometimes even brighter to those off axis. A par is really squinty when you can see the lamp, but as you move off-axis it tones down nicely. Sticking the diffuser on the front means the front of the can, visible over a much wider range of angles, becomes the hotspot.


You need height. If you don't have it, then the models and the audience are going to be unhappy.

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