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Boogie Nights 2


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Hi just been to see boogie nights 2 it was really good anyway I was just wondering if anyone else has seen it yet, it's lighting rig was full of movers loads of them but also loads of generic stuff but I dont think there was any parcans which I was suprised about.

just wondering if anyone else has seen it

cya later bye.

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  • 6 months later...

Who Ho, first post,


Hi, I've just finished doing Flys for this show at Newcastle Tyne Theatre, and your right about the movers, LOADS of MAC500 and 600's and a bloody heavy Pulsar L.E.D wall among other stuff.

There was a bit generic lighting, 16 par56 hung above the band at the back of the stage and a couple of other pars on LX1 and LX2.

From where we were the show looked excelent although I wish I had the chance to see the whole thing from out front. All of the cast and crew were really friendly and good to work with.

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at Newcastle Tyne Theatre


Didn't that close down or change hands? Wasn't it renamed "Newcastle Opera House" or some such? Has it re-opened then? (Ex-Newcastle person here).

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Yep, it re-opened in september again I think.


It was the

Stoll picture house,

then the Tyne Theatre

then Newcastle Opera House

now the Journal Tyne Theatre!!


Its got quite a history!!

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Hi just been to see boogie nights 2 it was really good 


I went to see it towards the end of last year and unfortunately couldn't disagree more! :** laughs out loud **: I thought it was tragic.....


On the lighting side of things, when I saw it ALOT of the cues were hit late and not on specific beats in the music they seem to be intended for and a MAC600 ended up spending half of act 2 pointing at a flat. ;)


Maybe its got better :stagecrew:

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