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Jands Vista T2 Troubleshooting?


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I'm having problems using the Vista T2 console. I've been using it for over a year and never had any problems until now. Lights that aren't involved in clips will only turn on using the toggle/highlight tool now and some of the moving heads (Mac250s) wont turn on at all. The intensity bar goes up, but it doesn't turn on, not even on its icon on the screen! I can't find anything about this in the manual I downloaded online and it's being a real pain! The Macs still move when I ask them too, they just wont turn on. They were working fine yesterday and all seems to be fine physically and with how they are patched in :S


Can anyone enlighten me as to what's going on??



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I know it's obvious but I have to say it, are the clip faders up and set to intensity? Can you turn the fixtures on in the live tab, or is the problem everywhere?


I agree, done it before when in a rush. Forgot to put the programmer / master faders up

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Why dont you send an e mail to Jands and ask them?

They are very freindly helpful people,

Only too willing to help if you have a Jands product,

No matter how old it is.

There service is very good.

My jands dimmers are 20 years old and they still help me when I need help.




I'm having problems using the Vista T2 console. I've been using it for over a year and never had any problems until now. Lights that aren't involved in clips will only turn on using the toggle/highlight tool now and some of the moving heads (Mac250s) wont turn on at all. The intensity bar goes up, but it doesn't turn on, not even on its icon on the screen! I can't find anything about this in the manual I downloaded online and it's being a real pain! The Macs still move when I ask them too, they just wont turn on. They were working fine yesterday and all seems to be fine physically and with how they are patched in :S


Can anyone enlighten me as to what's going on??



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How do you mean by "won't turn on"? The lamps are struck but the shutter won't open or they won't strike?


They will strike (you can see that the lamp is working) but the shutter wont open.

Some PAR and white light clips were on, but they didnt involve the macs. The master fader is up and the other lights are working, so that's not the problem.

Two of them work in a clip where they should all be at full intensity (I have used this clip before with no problems), but not the others :S And the intensity wont turn up in Live.


Thanks everyone for your advice and your replies were so quick! I'm not using the desk today, but if I have this problem again next time I turn the desk on, I will call them.


Thanks again!

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