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Marc Audio


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Has anybody used marc audio speakers? I am thinking of expanding my rig to include four double 15" (500W) and four 18" (500W). this is to enable me handle slightly bigger events. I have been doing some research but nothing seems available on the net. From the shop test they seem quite loud. They are also quite affordable at (70USD)

I am condering them because there is a dealer here in Nairobi and so service would be available.

Another option would be Db technologies (1000W) but these are quite pricy (over 1000USD) a piece. :unsure:



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  • 2 weeks later...

Generally speaking, when subs are used*, there is no advantage to a double 15 cabinet. The only one I've heard that has any advantage is the Yorkville U215, but it's a true 3 way, with the woofers working only below about 350Hz, not well above 1kHz as with most dual 15s.


*The only time I'd not use subs is if the act is acoustic and there's no bassist.

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hi mike,

probably left it a bit late now..

naturally db technologies are better loudspeakers and if your keeping busy they'll end up paying for themselves easily.

on the other side, at 70 USD you might want to invest in the marc audio subs for now and build up the funds to replace with them with better loudpspeakers.

I came across a marc audio speakers installed in a venue last year and they were very substandard!


hope this helps

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