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Bass Bins


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Could I use Peavey ul15 speakers (15" x 500Wrms each) as subs in a biamp arrangement using the internal crossover in a 1000Wrms amp and Peavey 1012 speakers (12" x 500Wrms each) as tops again powered by a 1000rms amp.

This would save the need for a 3rd set of speakers.

Given I already have this equipment it would be an economic approach, if not the best approach to big parties.


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er... these are tops, not subs? A 15" and a compression driver?


You could stuff a pile of bass into them but I'd suspect they'd sound awful. After all, people who buy these to use as full range cabs, usually add in a sub to give the supporting bottom end.


Subs have very specific design characteristics - they give bottom end thud, and run out of steam at 200-300 Hz, depending on design. You can have a purpose designed 15" sub, and a full range cab with very similar driver - but they do a very different job.

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Also, if you put a load of bass into it, you could run the risk of blowing a cone and it's not really worth it. Spares for brands like Peavey are hard to get hold of.


If you really need a sub, hire one in from your local rental company.

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I suppose I knew it was the best of ideas..the ul15 matching subs (ul115) have identical 15" drivers.

It is also of interest that the crossovers in the ul15 can easily be bi-amped, so avoiding powering the compression driver.

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Just for reference, the driver is only part of the story in terms of how a speaker sounds. The cabinet design also comes into play, big time--and, in this case, the cabinet is the right compromise for "full range", not sub.



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Could I use Peavey ul15 speakers (15" x 500Wrms each) as subs in a biamp arrangement using the internal crossover in a 1000Wrms amp and Peavey 1012 speakers (12" x 500Wrms each) as tops again powered by a 1000rms amp.

This would save the need for a 3rd set of speakers.

Given I already have this equipment it would be an economic approach, if not the best approach to big parties.




The UL15 is more a bass speaker rather than a sub box,

Its rated to 60hz.

It all depends on how much punch you want?

A sub box will go much lower than 60hz.

Dont expect the UL15 to keep up with a sub

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