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Need some MagicQ personalities or the DMX ranges


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I have a gig really soon with this moving heads

- Smartlight 575 wash

- Smartlight 575 spot

- Showtec Club 2 575 spot


I am not sure if there are different models or modes cause I don´t know this luminaries, just I am sure that the Showtec Club is the 2, I found a MK2 on internet, I guess is that.

If someone has this personalities for MagicQ that will be great.

If someone has the manual with the DMX ranges that is good either.


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Have you got the heads to hand, or is this just preprogramming at the moment?


We've got a "Showtec ClubSpot575MkII" in the personality library, so I'm guessing thats your third one.


Do you have the manual, or any DMX spec of the Smartlight fixtures? If you do have a spec, the MagicQ manual should have information on how to generate the personality inside of MagicQ itself. If you get stuck on that, drop us an email at support@chamsys.co.uk, or ask in here and someone might be able to help you with a quick question.


If you don't have any idea of what the DMX spec is of the fixtures, try patching a bunch of dimmers, plugging in one of the fixtures, and working out which channel is which, essentially reverse engineering the spec. Pan / tilt should be obvious. Colour and gobo wheels, you should be able to work out center values for each position by using the OUT window to see which DMX values are being outputted. These can then be put into the Ranges section in the head editor.

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Thanks. I have all the info. I already create one personality and I mailed to chamsys asking a couple questions. but awaiting response.

First of all, I want to know how to create or where to find the .hed archive to send it to chamsys, so they can check if I create the personality correctly.

thanks for the responses


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sorry. Also I have your last library and the ClubSpot575MKII is not there, you just have the normal club spot, or at least is the only one I have in my library, and it is the most recent library on the website.

Thanks again

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You can create the hed file by going:


Patch > Edit head > New head.


Once you have entered the filename you want, you can enter the information about the fixture. First, setup the name and manufacturer in the "Names" tab, then under "Params" you can select how many channels the fixture has. Once youve set that up, goto the "View Chans" (top softbutton), where you can setup the channels, encoders, and default values in the table. You can setup ranges under the "View ranges" softbutton, so can set Gobo 1 to be DMX A to DMX B, etc...


Once done, click "Save head", and then you can patch them into MagicQ.


The actual file on the disk is saved under the show/heads folder in the MagicQ installation directory. For windows this will be c:/Program files/chamsys ltd/magicq pc/show/heads/ IIRC.

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I already created it, but when I go to the folder heads, into shows, I just have 3 archives:




but don´t know how to find my .hed that I already create.



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Also, I created the personality twice but with two different names, and now, in my soft, on the chose a head file, I have to different names for the same head and want to know hot to erase one.


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The heads folder should contain all the *.hed files along with the heads.all allcols.csv and headmapcapture.csv files. When you goto Patch > Select head, does the whole personality library show up there? If it does, try doing a system wide search for *.hed, as it must be loading the files up from somewhere on the disk!


The easiest way to erase a duplicated personality is to find the corresponding *.hed file and to delete it.

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Oh, oh.

My folder doesn´t have it.

I don´t know why. I already did a search for .hed and the system doesn´t find anything.



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Also the same thing happen to me with the back up shows. the only way I can get the archive is reloading the show and saving to an usb, if not, I can´t find those shows anywhere

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Can you try running the program as an administrator? The first thing MagicQ does when first run after being installed is to expand the heads.all file into individual heads, so I'm surprised to hear that there aren't any heads there.


It would be worth uninstalling, downloading the latest stable, and reinstalling.

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I think I will reinstall the software.

I will try to not erase the personality I already create.

Anyway. Thank you very much for your help. I am doing this tonight so tomorrow I will bother a little more <_<


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We've received your email and have been working on the personalities you requested for Friday.. the last one is just having the finishing touches put to it and then they will be on their way to you!




Matt Lemon

ChamSys Ltd

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  • 1 month later...

I thought I'd add this to the end of this topic as it's on similar lines.


Although it specifically relates to how magicq handles these fixtures, I guess the system would be the same for almost every control.


What I'm thinking about are patching LEDs.


I've patched a load of Led PAR cans to magic1 as individual dimmer channels, which works better for me than patching them as a proper RGB fixture, because I can run dimmer chases, and the variations and options seem to be more variable than the straight RGB single fixture. The ones I'm using have 5 channels, so I'm just ignoring two, as they are effects macros, not an overall brightness channel.


Now - I need to patch in some LED bars - not sure exactly which ones, but from the manuals, they're very similar - modes available are 4 channel - RGB plus overall 0-255 dimmer channel, and the one I want to use is the 11 channel version - 3 lots of RGB, plus effects and master brightness =11 ch.


I need to access the three sections separately, but I can't use the separate dimmer patch option I used on the LED Pars, because of the need to have ch 11 on full all the time?


I suspect I have just made this more complicated than it need be, but looking at the head editor, I'm a bit lost on how this works? I've looked at the library of similar things - some which when matched to the spec for that item seem similar to what I want - but I can't see how the needs above are addressed.


So the question is how do people control these things to get the most flexibility? Probably I'm just thinking too complicatedly?

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I haven't tried anything yet as the things are just mentioned on an enquiry we've received, but I guess J Pearce's idea to simply park the dimmer channels on 255, and then treat them as RGB fixtures would work fine, and then I've got the usual ways of controlling them. I was just wondering how people managed to control this kind of fixture which is essentially 3 separate RGB fixtures plus the shared channels.
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