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Is it mandatory to use the accent for "Norman Price is in the building"?


It would be straight to a disciplinary hearing if you failed to read out such an important announcement without an appropriate accent.


We take these things very seriously you know ...

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  • 1 month later...
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Way back at the start of this topic I made a panto stage manager's comms file available. I've had constant requests for the password since then, so people obviously found it handy for all sorts of reasons. When I sent out a links today, we had a chat about what it was being used for, and as a consequence, I've made a short video clip up of one of the numbers in the show when LX are particularly busy. It has the stage manager's audio instead of the show sound. I think this might make a little more sense. It's only about 4 minutes, but as it is HD it's taking a while to upload. Should be there in the morning, so if anyone wants the password, just PM me for the link and password - like the audio file, it can't be public for pretty obvious reasons. Paul
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Way back at the start of this topic I made a panto stage manager's comms file available. I've had constant requests for the password since then, so people obviously found it handy for all sorts of reasons. When I sent out a links today, we had a chat about what it was being used for, and as a consequence, I've made a short video clip up of one of the numbers in the show when LX are particularly busy. It has the stage manager's audio instead of the show sound. I think this might make a little more sense. It's only about 4 minutes, but as it is HD it's taking a while to upload. Should be there in the morning, so if anyone wants the password, just PM me for the link and password - like the audio file, it can't be public for pretty obvious reasons. Paul



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  • 4 weeks later...

The number of people who requested the pantomime comms audio really surprised me, and quite a few schools and college teachers asked if they could use it - which was a useful by-product.


The file consisted of a conventionally scripted show and repeated prodding of the go button.#



I figured a different type of show could also be handy - and it just needed a visiting one night show with plenty of cues of a different kind, and no rehearsal at all - just lighting op and followspots being given their cues as standby for ..... and then ... go, as the show progresses.

with a few zoom about

As this involves the need for clear instructions, this show seemed a good one - especially as John, who looks after calling the show from the stage, wasn't worried about people hearing how it went.


To put the recording into context - the show is the Searcher (for those who've never heard of them, a sixties pop group who are still going - and one member is 70 today!) Drums, two guitars (one six string with guitar synth pickup, and a 12 string) and bass. A simple four piece, spread about on stage left to right, bass in the middle and drums on a riser behind. The rider details a few modest requirements. Four colour wash, a special on each band member and a strobe or fast moving light chase on the drums. The only other thing was some break up gobos, and I used 4 of the movers upstage, shining down onto the stage edge for these. We have a star cloth, a bunch of movers, a haze machine and a smoke machine - that isn't usually used much, but was asked for. So that's it. Red, Blue, magenta wash from overhead and front truss, a number of profiles for the specials and some back lighting in green and yellow fanned out forward from an up stage bar. With all these sources and effects sitting on a fader - the show starts, just hoping we can do what he is going to ask for.


I tidied the recording up by removing any sections where nothing happens - cutting about ten minutes from the full set. The headset mic on stage picks up enough of what is happening on stage so you can hear the band.


So - the recording is just what happened. Anybody who has not done this kind of show before eityer as lighting board op or follow spot op will be able to follow the action in their head.


The big problem for the lighting op is that a common request for something to go up at the same time as something else goes down often needs more fingers than are available - and in this case because the chases on the main colours need 'playing' in time with the music, and then from time to time held as a colour snap means that pre-programmed chases don't look so good, fingers being the key. You'll also hear reference to 'chat state' - just a bright state that Keeps being repeated for the chat between songs.


If you want the link, please just PM me as before - I can't make it public for obvious reasons, but if you contact me I'll pass on the link.



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