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Amp rack on its side


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I've got a gig coming up where the only place that the amp rack can go is in a space where it'll only fit if it's on its side.

Will the amps be ok being driven like this? I assume that there may be issues with heat soaking in a way that they're not designed for but I don't know if it'll be enough to cause problems....

The amps are Camco Vortex 4s and Vortex 6s and they will have free air to the front and back for the fans. The gig is just one night

Anyone any experience of this?



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Given they have fans it I don't imagine there will be much of an issue. If they were passively cooled you could have issues with the heatsink not clearing properly. If you do find they are running a little warm you could always stick a desk fan in front of the rack.
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Haha! I found some of those replies rather amusing!

I know it's not the most interesting question that I'm asking, and perhaps it's daft of me to ask; but it is something I have absolutely no experience of doing and I've never seen it done before. I figure it'll be totally fine, but I just wanted to check if anyone had any problems before I fry about £15k of my own amps....

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As an honest answer, I've put amps on their side on gigs loads of times and its been fine.


However, there was one under my desk at work, which was left on pretty much 24/7 for a year where eventually the top side gave up (although, that could have been due to a number of factors)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Would it be even possible to de-rack the amps and just stack them in situ? That would add rig/derig time, but would eliminate your concerns.


I suppose if you're going to gig them hard then any heat issues might come to light; I'd strongly advise a test run first, you don't want a row of red 'PROTECT' lights to come on halfway through!


That said, I've run amps on their sides with nary a problem, although they were fan cooled. Passive would be a no-no.

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