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Taking it as given that a daily rate is used to arrive at a figure for a services for hire quotation and presuming that the day is of indeterminate length but will run no less than 7 am through 7 pm inclusive onsite ( a short day I think y'all might agree). What sort of figures are being thrown about out there minus expenses etc? I know what my associates are charging these days (roughly) and Im wondering if those figures are average.

The figures may seem random but are figures that I have heard people quote within the last year.

Apologies to students or inhouse techs on a salary this isnt really relevant to you, though you may be interested by the results Im specifically interested in freeloaders I mean freelancers.

Im also interested to know how individuals arrived at their rates & then increased them, ie what mechanism was used. Was it a case of thats what my mate charges or a case of I looked at what I need to earn & how many days I have to hit that target or something else ?

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Slightly tricky one for me to answer. As you suggest, when quoting for a job I'll base it around a certain daily rate, then add whatever expenses are necessary before quoting a price to a client. The daily rate that I use as the basis for these calculations varies depending on a number of factors - how long the day is going to be ; what the job involves ; which sector of the industry it's in (let's not beat around the bush, freelance rates in theatre are way behind those in corporate work, there's no point in quoting conference rates for a small/mid-scale theatre job) ; whether there's a 'going rate' which I'm aware of which a particular client will usually agree with its freelancers, sorry, contractors :) ; and various other factors.


Having said all that, I've put a tick against the category into which fall the majority of basic daily rates that I apply to calculation of quotes for jobs .... although the 'envelope' of rates that I've used as the basis for quotes in the last two or three years fall within two adjacent categories.

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All good points Gareth as you say the place for the tick is where you find your self most often. I have no experience of theatre rates, my theatre days are long over - I suspect that these rates as you suggest are low which is "strange" seeing as I remember the days to be in general long and "sweaty". Having said that I suggest that you would tend to hit a higher top dollar in the theatre than you would elsewhere (conferencing comes to mind) as you hit the top levels of your profession.
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