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stepper motor


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Hello All

Can anyone help me please with this, we have a Genius Motor Spot & the stepper motor has gone, the number on the unit is 17HS0601-05.

Does anyone know a supplier where we may obtain one from

Thank You :g:



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The -03 or -05 is the thing, this is a shaft option which usually indicates the length.


In the absence of a suitable abstract part, I would say that burple uk are the men who will be able to find one, Shanghai Moons motors are also used in Coemar heads (and many others!!).


I'm sure burple will be along in a bit so I shan't elaborate!

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The -03 or -05 is the thing, this is a shaft option which usually indicates the length.


In the absence of a suitable abstract part, I would say that burple uk are the men who will be able to find one, Shanghai Moons motors are also used in Coemar heads (and many others!!).


I'm sure burple will be along in a bit so I shan't elaborate!


Thank you for your help so far, is there a supplier in the uk at all.



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Most steppers usid in lighting are the same. there are some variations, as mentioned shaft length is one, not a problem as cutting mild steel is easy. my advice is to buy a second hand abstract light and strip it for parts.


Have you checked the motor you have is not working by swopping it with another, have you read the threads on servicing and repairing steppers. the most common fault is the bearings seize up. soaking in indenatured alcahol normally solves that problem.?


removing the build up of iron filings from the rotor is another operation performed with a small wire brush.

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Most steppers usid in lighting are the same. there are some variations, as mentioned shaft length is one, not a problem as cutting mild steel is easy. my advice is to buy a second hand abstract light and strip it for parts.


Have you checked the motor you have is not working by swopping it with another, have you read the threads on servicing and repairing steppers. the most common fault is the bearings seize up. soaking in indenatured alcahol normally solves that problem.?


removing the build up of iron filings from the rotor is another operation performed with a small wire brush.


Yes it still works, one of the windings is goes open circut so sometimes it does not show full globe, it shows a half moon a image, we have put the moter into a unit that works fine, & we get the same fault so its the motor.



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The effect of the motor loosing it's position is normally due to the bearing or the armature, a simple test is to feel the rotation of the motor and compare it to a normal one there should only be slight resistance to movement, if it feels stiff the power of the motor canot overcome the friction , hence it looses it's position. Measuring the windings is tricky as there are two common pins and 4 winding end pins. have you tried opening up the motor to see if there is a winding resistance failure . as this is very rare in my experience. Normally the only problems with windings is they get cooked due to friction of the armature and bearings.
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have you tried opening up the motor to see if there is a winding resistance failure


Its not necessary to open a motor to see if there is a winding failure. Assuming its a six-wire stepper motor then for each pin you should be able to measure resistance between it and only two other pins. All the other pins should show an open circuit. If its a four or eight wire motor, then you should only get a resistance between pairs of pins. Anything else means you've got a failed winding.

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have you tried opening up the motor to see if there is a winding resistance failure


Its not necessary to open a motor to see if there is a winding failure. Assuming its a six-wire stepper motor then for each pin you should be able to measure resistance between it and only two other pins. All the other pins should show an open circuit. If its a four or eight wire motor, then you should only get a resistance between pairs of pins. Anything else means you've got a failed winding.



Thanks for that, its is a failed winding, all I have got to do is find one, is there any body that can help me found one of these please



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please ring Burple in the absence of Augustin popping along like he normally does!


Ive had motors off them before now and to be honest they're so cheap that it's hardly worth the bother trying to get one from anywhere else.


The 17HS0601 is the bit that tells you the size, torque and electrical spec of the motor, the last bit is the shaft length.


Cross referencing one make to another is tricky since they use different terminals and pinout order, different winding resistances, different winding voltages, static and dynamic torque, body length etc.


After a quick meander, Ive found that the Shanghai Moons 17HS0601-3 is also used in the Abstract Clubscan for colour wheel and mirror tilt, and as the gobo and mirror pan in the Abstract VR8 so you can also try Lektrix Enterprises in Leicester as they carry the old Abstract parts. They are likely to be a little dearer than the equivalent Coemar part though....Coemar parts are very reasonably priced.




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See this thread here:





The -03 or -05 is the thing, this is a shaft option which usually indicates the length.


In the absence of a suitable abstract part, I would say that burple uk are the men who will be able to find one, Shanghai Moons motors are also used in Coemar heads (and many others!!).


I'm sure burple will be along in a bit so I shan't elaborate!


Thank you for your help so far, is there a supplier in the uk at all.






Give us a call, I'm sure we can help you, or drop me an e-mail and I'll have a look at our stock to see if we have a suitable unit.



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See this thread here:





The -03 or -05 is the thing, this is a shaft option which usually indicates the length.


In the absence of a suitable abstract part, I would say that burple uk are the men who will be able to find one, Shanghai Moons motors are also used in Coemar heads (and many others!!).


I'm sure burple will be along in a bit so I shan't elaborate!


Thank you for your help so far, is there a supplier in the uk at all.






Give us a call, I'm sure we can help you, or drop me an e-mail and I'll have a look at our stock to see if we have a suitable unit.




Thank you all so far for all your help & advice



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Hello All

Can anyone help me please with this, we have a Genius Motor Spot & the stepper motor has gone, the number on the unit is 17HS0601-05.

Does anyone know a supplier where we may obtain one from

Thank You ;)



Hi Paul


Is there any more markings on the unit? Does it say "Moons", if so then it is a Shanghai Moons, which are the ones we sell, however the HS series comes only on a size 23 (23HS....)

This link might help you ID the motor:Link if it isn't a Moons motor, then it will be quite difficult to find an equivalent without the full specs of the faulty unit.



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I have the specs for the 17HS0013 and it looks the same as the 17HD0013 (again, check shaft length).

I must assume the HS version on a size 17 is an old number that's been superceded by the HD, the 17HS is defo. a shanghai moons part because google throws up some archived sales on ebay for them, they made the sum of $4-odd and the Abstract parts list shows them as Moons as well. Someone on Yahoo groups has apparently stripped his 'Moons' 17HS0013-3 out of an old disco laser and been doing experiments with it!!


Spec I have is as follows


17HS0013 (all suffix types)


step 1.8deg

length of motor body 34mm

holding torque 260

op.temp 130deg

current 0.4a

inductance 27mH

winding res 30ohms

detent torque 120



the torque is given in grams-centimetres rather than milli-newtonmetres but I think thats probably equivalent.



Doing a quick search of my pdfs, it also shows a 17HS0013-01 as a tilt motor from a GLP PL1200 scanning laser! Dont think thats too useful though.

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