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help on choosing a rgb laser between 1w and 2w for £1000 to £5000


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hi I was wondering if anyone could help I am looking for a rgb laser projector between 1 watt and 2 watt for anything between £1000 and £5000 I dont mind if it has been used or if it is new could you please tell me any good makes or models not laserworld please as I have one now and it has been a nightmare thanks george
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Guest lightnix

Hi George :g:


You may get some answers here, but the laser community is not well-represented in The Blue Room and you'll probably get more detailed / expert advice from...




I hope that helps. Please let us know what you go for and why you chose it - your input may help future users.

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Contacts for lasers in the UK


Burple - http://www.burpleuk.com/


Laser Visuals - http://www.laservisuals.com/


For the sake of completeness (I'm sure you are already aware of this but in case others who search this topic are not) remember it is worth getting training if you are going to operate anything that bright:


Laser visuals offer certified training - http://www.laservisuals.com/training.htm

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Give Laser Electronics in Skegness a call, last I saw they had a 1.5W RGB complete with scanners and controller second hand for ~4.5K (And their stuff tends to be pretty good).


I would caution you to be careful out there, there is a certain heavily advertised supplier who tends to be 'optimistic' about power levels and scan speeds (sometimes by an order of magnitude!). Sniff around photonlexicon and the details will swiftly become apparent.


IIRC Laser Visuals are out of the supply game and now concentrate on a **Very Good** laser safety course, which is highly recommended if you are working with class 4 gear (which a 1W is) .


Regards, Dan.

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