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Central Arena Leeds City Museum


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Has anyone done any jobs or is familiar with the central arena at Leeds city museum. All the info I have managed to find online just indicates a few 13A sockets. Before someone points it out I know I can contact the venue and have indeed done so. Currently there is no one around with the technical knowledge and I require the info this weekend. Anyone able to help with any details of available power, access or any other useful technical info



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Never done a gig there but been through as a punter, I think you'll be lucky to find anyone who has done something in there as it's been open for less than 12 months since it was refurbished. As for the central arena, the most gear I've seen in there has been a few projectors and display screens, that's not to say there isn't a huge supply loitering somewhere but there may not be. As for access I know there's vehicular access to 3 sides of the building however traffic wardens are complete c***s in this area of the city (my venue is just round the corner) so be warned, however as it's a council run building you may be in luck. Finally your sat nav will get really confused because they've blocked off half the road it's on (cookridge st) and you may well end up on the wrong side of the road block. To make sure it gets you there I'd enter the road down the side or back of the building to be safe (Rossington st?).

Sorry I couldn't be any real help


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