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Crown XTi - South Wales


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Looking at purchasing a new set of amp racks for the company's rig, and have been considering Crown XTi stuff. Racks would consist of 2 x XTi 6000 and 1 x XTi 4000. The specs look all well and good, but, I'd like to hear them (or just one of them) running the rig, especially when it comes to low end reproduction due to them having switch mode PSUs.



Therefore, I was wondering if anyone on BR has a XTi6000 or XTi4000 based in South Wales or Bristol that I could hire/borrow for a day just to give them a try?





Note: Not looking for "should get Labs/MC2.." type advice (thank you for the thought anyway in advance), as lovely as they are, the budget is limited :angry:

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