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How best to use a frost


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I will be using Hampshire Frost L254 on some profiles in a show coming up. I notice that one side is smooth and the other rough - is there a correct way around when fitted in front of the lantern? Secondly, should the coloured gel be in front of the frost, or behind? Just want to get it right. Thanks - Peter Vincent
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It doesn't matter either way - frost in front, colour in front, rough side out, rough side in - it's all the same. The only one you have to look out for is silk; with silk the stripes go perpendicular to the direction you want the light to spread in.
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I always have it in front, purely for the fact, if I'm calling a focus, I will have it focused it hard to the shutter and ask for the frost to be dropped in when done.



People have different methods but it works for me!



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Re the use of colour and frost together - for our blues we have some birdies that we use with Congo Blue and Lee 129 - a very heavy frost. We notice that with the frost in the gel frame there is a lot of spill backwards from the gel frame - so putting the gel on the lamp side means the spill is blue, whereas putting the gel in front of the frost means the spill is open white - with strong colours this makes quite a difference.


A small difference (no doubt not as noticable with a lighter frost or in a profile) but since the question was asked it's worth mentioning.

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