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Quick lets raid the blue room (like the commons)

oh lordy

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The blue room is now world famous for its moderation :) - There is an article by Mike Falconer in this month's Lighting and Sound America about internet lighting forums which mentions this place in conjunction with comments about strong moderation.



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The blue room is now world famous for its moderation  :)  - There is an article by Mike Falconer in this month's Lighting and Sound America about internet lighting forums which mentions this place in conjunction with comments about strong moderation.

Strong, perhaps - but not unnecessarily so. It's certainly done the forum proud over the last 21 months .....


You only have to look at the ABTT forum to see what happens when the moderation policy errs on the soft side.

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Guest lightnix

"Strong"? I wouldn't say so. Firm but fair, yes.

You only have to look at the ABTT forum to see what happens when the moderation policy errs on the soft side.
Can't think what you mean :)
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I have to point at the same place as Gareth to show exactly how bad it could be if we didn't keep a sharp eye on the place.


A couple of 'certain' members are completely ruining the ABTT forum at the moment for the good of the many. No discredit to Brian etc over there, but children (as that is what some of them are) running riot can't do anything for the name of the forum. As one of them is also the top poster it's kinda, well ironic really.


Is there a URL for this article from LSA? Wouldn't mind a quick read.



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Moderation is all well and good when handled in the correct manner by mature and respected adults.


Most people respect the fact but you also have to realise that to moderate is also a form of censorship and as such people might find it a infringement on there right to speak freely.


The fact the people are allowed to make there own mind up about what they are reading is a very important thing. Something they will agree with somethings they will find amusing but also there will be things they disagree with and find unfunny at wich point they should be free to comment also.


Hear ends the sermon.

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Moderation is all well and good when handled in the correct manner by mature and respected adults.


Most people respect the fact but you also have to realise that to moderate is also a form of censorship and as such people might find it a infringement on there right to speak freely.


The fact the people are allowed to make there own mind up about what they are reading is a very important thing. Something they will agree with somethings they will find amusing but also there will be things they disagree with and find unfunny at wich point they should be free to comment also.

You're right. The ability to say what we think without fear of censorship is important. I'm sure I speak for the other moderators on this forum when I say that we would never edit/delete anyone's posts purely because we don't agree with what they say, or because they express themselves in a way which one or more of us personally have a problem with.


We do, however, have a comprehensive set of terms and conditions (which, in case there's anyone who hasn't read them, can be found here) which set out the boundaries of what is and isn't acceptable on the site. These T&Cs exist for several very good reasons, and the only occasions on which moderation of a contribution to the site might occur are if that contribution falls foul of one or more of these terms and conditions.


The whole raison d'etre of this forum is (was?) as an alternative to another woefully under-moderated site which began as a perfectly good forum but was allowed to spread unchecked like some sort of written-word cancerous growth until it reached the point of being pretty much unusable.


Believe me, there's some absolulte drivel cluttering up one or two dark recesses of this site that many of us would love to have deleted as soon as it appeared! But we haven't, because it doesn't contravene any of the terms & conditions and as such we have no justifiable reason for moderating it (despite the fact that it might well be a load of utter b*ll*cks!). Moderation in moderation, I suppose ....

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Guest lightnix
Moderation is all well and good when handled in the correct manner by mature and respected adults.
Absolutely. I personally feel that the level of moderation in here is pretty well spot on and that people are generally free to express themselves, even in a heated and passionate manner, as long as it doesn't decend into mindless flaming and childishness.


Most people respect the fact but you also have to realise that to moderate is also a form of censorship and as such people might find it a infringement on there right to speak freely.
A very good point, but there are many levels of censorship. To begin with: there's the self-censorship that most of us practice most of the time, in the desire to get our point across and persuade people as to the wisdom of our views. Sometimes we slip up, at which point the admin team step in to censor (i.e. moderate) threads and posts which are drifting off topic, causing offence or potentially defamatory/libellous. These forms of "censorship" IMHO ultimately do no harm and serve to promote the Blue Room as a quality forum, while protecting it and it's members from time-wasters and legal action. If people wish to eff, blind and engage in pointless slagging matches, there are plenty of other places where they can do it.


The fact the people are allowed to make there own mind up about what they are reading is a very important thing. Something they will agree with somethings they will find amusing but also there will be things they disagree with and find unfunny at wich point they should be free to comment also.
You're quite right and that's what seems to happen here pretty well most of the time. When you look back over the last eighteen months and thirty-five thousand or so posts, it soon becomes clear how little the moderators have had to step in, mainly because most BR members are able to conduct themselves in a responsible and adult fashion.


...peters probably sniffing the bar maids apron and falling over...
Sadly no. Peter was in fact a model of sobriety and decorum, even at 5pm when I finally staggered in, having been kidnapped and forced to drink Guinness all afternoon on the Bandit stand.


But don't worry, we'll get him next year :)

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Reading through all the above points, I don't think that there'll ever be a set-up to please everyone.


I drifted into here from the other place. I'm sure some others have done the same after becoming disillusioned, and the bottom line is I like this place. It's better than the other place, or RATS.


Here you can have a laugh, but still put your point across and if you don't know something, you only have to say so and, quite often, you'll have an answer.


Everyone seems to get on and no-one treats you as if you're ignorant. An excellent format for engouraging learning about the subject.


Long may it continue - with the moderation.

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Just a quick one from a newbie

I 've not been a member for long, and followed a link to find this place.

having subscribed to other sites of this type, this is the one I check most often.

I like the way people talk here. They seem keen to keep to a topic, and all appear knowledgeable in their fields, and keep things grown up too.

I enjoy reading, and posting when I feel the need to, such as now.

thankyou blue room.

I enjoy it here.

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