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Slight Headache...


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Hi all


Whilst stumbling through a dress rehearsal last night, everything went dark very suddenly - which was slightly worrying as I've no idea what caused it.


The dimmers (Betapack 2s) are set to hold the last scene if the DMX goes.


I'm only running 13A into each pack and although Pack 1 is overloaded (4500W), it wasn't up at full and anyway, surely this would blow the 13Aplug fuse?


The desk (Strand 200) is fairly new, but I'm happy with the programming and I didn't touch it.


Because the desk reset itsself, all the lights went out, but 2 secs later I faded up the next scene and we were back to normal, I'm assuming it was a power blip for the whole building.


Anyone have any other ideas, as I don't want it to hapen again if possible?

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Guest lightnix
It sounds like it might have been a building-wide power glitch, particularly if, as you say, "the desk reset itself". Was there anybody elsewhere in the building (dressing rooms, FOH, etc.) who might have experienced the same thing ? You could try calling the electric company to see if they had any problems, but other than that I don't know what to suggest.
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I have had the same thing happen to me with a Sirius and a demux - I cured it by adding a mains conditioning unit to the Sirius so any "minor" power glitches (if there is such a thing!) were smoothed out. Perhaps there is a similar unit for your desk?



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Agreed, UPS would seem the way to go but may be a bit overkill. Working in the computer industry (lighting is just a hobby) cheaper UPS's don't work and the only time you would use UPS would be when the power goes completely for a length of time - in which case, you would have a fully functioning desk and demux but no lights or racks!


Mains conditioning units supplied by the manufacturer for their desks ensure that the desk is protected from any surges or brown-outs.


In a perfect world, the whole lighting rig and sound equipment would be on their own UPS!!!! ;)



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Correct me if I'm wrong... but UPS systems (with a few exceptions) are not intended to provide power for a sustained period. They are designed to provide enough power to safely shutdown any equipment, or startup a generator or similar.




[Edit] Sorry having just read back this is way off topic... ;)

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Your correct on UPS, you get between 5mins and 30mins depending on the one model or type, but in a serious case, UPSing your desk means that you can save the show out before you shut it down, its a contingency, so if your desk does go bad from it, then you still have your show...


A decent UPS will condition the mains as well keeping all nice and clean... But as si says, the cheaper ones arent as useful...

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The smaller APC UPS' all come with insurance that they will work when needed. I know reading the documentation APC are interested in wierd and wonderful uses for the UPS (They mention on in use up a church tower to drive the clock autowinder - could be a problem in the event of powercut)


However I have had some small UPS' fail to operate which is why all our important servers have two seperate ones.



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Correct me if I'm wrong... but UPS systems (with a few exceptions)  are not intended to provide power for a sustained period.


You're correct for ordinary models sold for PC use.


But battery UPSs in itself might range from small ones to big ones meant for continuous use. To say it simply, one might divide them into two groups, on-line and off-line. Both could in principle be used continuously without mains present, if made so, but mainly on-line will be such. Usually this depends on the making of the powermaking circuit, and the cooling method of this.


Off-line are those who turns from giving mains power over to its own made. From cheap models which square curve to pretty nice sinus.


On-line delivers its own generated power all the time, but the (internal) battery is charged, and powergeneration is taken from mains in normal use. So these _might be made_ for continuous use, especially if equipped with more than one cooling fan and air filters ;-).


The one on-line I use have external connectors for battery voltage, and are ment for long-time running without main power (*), depending on the size of external battery bank.


(*) But that also gets reflected in the price of the unit.

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Guest lightnix


The dimmers (Betapack 2s) are set to hold the last scene if the DMX goes.

So, UPS merits aside, the question remains: as the racks wimped out, was it just the desk or a wider problem? You'd need some UPS to run the whole rig ;)

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Quote from (...the sage that is...) Lightnix


So, UPS merits aside, the question remains: as the racks wimped out, was it just the desk or a wider problem? You'd need some UPS to run the whole rig


I was going to say that.


Either way, everything held together for the run of the show so I'm assuming that it was the power after all.


The Betapacks have been out this week with no reported problems, so I think we can write this off as a one-off.


One thing I would say is that, like most other small venues, there was a distinct lack of power available at the wall, but not in the electrical "room".


* Snip * - I'll just move this to the "Pet Hates" thread before it becomes a rant... ;)

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You'd need some UPS to run the whole rig ;)


Trick is to get 20 UPS (or, at a pinch, car) batteries in series = 240V DC with no transformers! A car battery can supply something silly like 200Ah, so said UPS could run a 4kW rig for a comfortable amount of time. Build a nice alternator with a carbon rod in salt water piston, and you're good to go :D


(Naturally, I don't really have any idea what I'm talking about here.)

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