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Jem ZR22 DMX Smoke Machine


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Hi guys! Hope you can help with this one!


I've got a ZR22 DMX smoke machine at the end of a DMX line. Using the remote control I can get the smoke machine to work perfectly. However, I can not get it to work using the lighting board. I have done fault finding and it is definitely not a DMX issue (and yes, the line is terminated!). It is the second (and last) unit on the DMX line and the machine says that it does have a valid DMX signal.


Over the next couple of days we have the GCSE drama exams which are not using it a lot and I have set up the remote control to be used with it. However, later this week I will be using it for a music gig and would like it to work from the desk as it is more convenient.


The first thing I would like to clarify is DIP Switch Settings. I am usually good with DIP Switches, and have set up a lot of the rig correctly already (scrollers etc). I understand the ON setting to be the binary value at 1 (as opposed to 0) so setting the 6th DIP Switch (32) to on would add 32 to the current setting. However, according to page 8 (7 on the electronic copy) of the manual (here) it demonstrates setting the DIP Switches to the OFF position. I have tried several different addresses with the switches both up and down and I still have had no smoke output. I have also tried using it with the remote plugged in (on and off standby) and not plugged in and still have no control via DMX. Again I shall clarify that the DMX is valid and also, the smoke machine was used a couple of weeks ago by a friend (unfortunately on holiday at the moment) who controlled it with DMX so as far as I'm aware, the machine still works with DMX (and does show a valid DMX signal). It may also be worth pointing out that the READY light has been on, so it's not because I haven't left enough time for it to warm up!


If anyone has any suggestions at all they will be greatly appreciated! I've tried everything I can think of but still no avail!


Many thanks in advanced! :)

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Hi guys! Hope you can help with this one!


I've got a ZR22 DMX smoke machine at the end of a DMX line. Using the remote control I can get the smoke machine to work perfectly. However, I can not get it to work using the lighting board. I have done fault finding and it is definitely not a DMX issue (and yes, the line is terminated!). It is the second (and last) unit on the DMX line and the machine says that it does have a valid DMX signal.


Over the next couple of days we have the GCSE drama exams which are not using it a lot and I have set up the remote control to be used with it. However, later this week I will be using it for a music gig and would like it to work from the desk as it is more convenient.


The first thing I would like to clarify is DIP Switch Settings. I am usually good with DIP Switches, and have set up a lot of the rig correctly already (scrollers etc). I understand the ON setting to be the binary value at 1 (as opposed to 0) so setting the 6th DIP Switch (32) to on would add 32 to the current setting. However, according to page 8 (7 on the electronic copy) of the manual (here) it demonstrates setting the DIP Switches to the OFF position. I have tried several different addresses with the switches both up and down and I still have had no smoke output. I have also tried using it with the remote plugged in (on and off standby) and not plugged in and still have no control via DMX. Again I shall clarify that the DMX is valid and also, the smoke machine was used a couple of weeks ago by a friend (unfortunately on holiday at the moment) who controlled it with DMX so as far as I'm aware, the machine still works with DMX (and does show a valid DMX signal). It may also be worth pointing out that the READY light has been on, so it's not because I haven't left enough time for it to warm up!


If anyone has any suggestions at all they will be greatly appreciated! I've tried everything I can think of but still no avail!


Many thanks in advanced! :)


It may be the DMX pcb that is at fault. Just because the DMX light is on does not mean that there is anybody home!!

Try running it on Channel 1 directly from the desk (no other machines on the link). (The dip switch ON value is 1).

It does not matter if the remote is on or off.

The DMX and the remote simply fight for dominance so if you are running it on DMX and set the remote to a higher output value and press run...the remote will win.

If you are running it on remote and the DMX gives a higher value, the DMX wins etc....

You could actually do some fault finding with the remote....

Disconnect the remote and see if the machine stays 'ready' when there is a DMX signal (regardless of value) or if the ready light goes out.

If it goes out, the DMX signal is not getting past on/converted by the DMX pcb.

If the machine can heat/be ready with ONLY DMX signal present then it may be a different issue all together...

Does the machine heat with NO remote OR DMX?

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As I said it was used on DMX only a couple of weeks ago or so and since then hasn't done anything or been anywhere. so I'm fairly confident it's not the DMX chip at fault.


I have tried it from the desk with various DIP Switch settings (incuding 1) and have had no output.


I have tried taking the remote out too and the READY light has always been on.


As to the last point I shall check as soon as I have the chance. It's cabled up fine and as far as I know the DMX chip is fine (was as of last use a couple of weeks ago) so I was thinking I may have missed a setting somewhere. Thanks for the help, anything else I can try? ;)

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The manual says:

However, if there is no address set, the LED will not light and DMX will be disabled.

So if you set all switches to off, does the LED go out. If not, how about if you set them all to on - as you pointed out the manual says "down is on" then has pictures showing examples where up is on ;)


This may at least tell you which way up the thing thinks it is.


Then, as there's confusion over that, try setting the address backwards, eg Instead of 1 = 0000000001, try 1000000000. It may be that that's wrong too!


Edit to add - There are 10 switches, but of course only 9 are needed. Some lamps IIRC use the 10th switch for DMX on / off, so also try setting 1000000001 (or 0111111110 if you still don't know which way up it is!)

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Down is on...definitely.

The LED will light regardless of what the switches are doing as long as there is a valid DMX signal.

The user manual was incorrect....look at the ZR33 Hi-Mass (The same internals as the 22) user manual for better clarification of the DMX settings....

http://martin.com/service/downloadfile.asp?name=UM_ZR33Hi Mass_EN_E.PDF&cat=65


I presume the machine works perfectly well when used with the remote control?

Standby OFF = no heating/control

Standby ON = machine heats and then has full control when heated.

It should not heat if you do NOT have the DMX OR the remote physically connected.


If you then connect the remote (STANDBY OFF) it will still not heat.

Standby ON it should now start to heat...


OR (with NO remote attached):

Connect DMX cable (with no DMX signal) = no heat

Supply valid signal/address = machine will heat and then fire at the set DMX value when heated.

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Thanks for the clarification! Much appriciated! :D


The Mystery of the Smoke Machine (for sale on amazon for £9.99, bargain! ;) ) has been solved! After all I said, the problem was.... dodgy DMX cable!! :P It was the cable between the dimmer pack for the fan and the smoke machine! I am positive I had bypassed both the dimmer pack and cable during in my fault finding but apparently not!! Lesson learnt, check every piece of equipment/ cable TWICE during fault finding :P


Many thanks for all the replies, it has been greatly appriciated! Now, on with the show as they say! ;)

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