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Digico SD9

Big Dave

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If I had the money!

Seriously though, there's a fair bit of kit on the market now and starting to pick, even just for a bit of fun, which one to go for based purely on internet pictures is going to be tricky.

I keep entertaining the idea of flogging both my analogue mixers, a fair bit of my outboard and perhaps a kidney, and going digital.

Even then, the budget is tight, especially when for me, the purchase would purely be for me to use and to make my life easier in terms of carrying kit, availability of outboard within the desk, and all the bonuses a digital desk offers.


As I see it though, there are now a few desks at this price point (or below). I realise that different people have different requirements, and a proper comparison would be difficult to do, but I'd still love to see somebody in the know carry out a decent comparison of all the options out there and list some pro's and con's for each desk.

I guess the list would include;

M7CL, Allen and Heath T series (and yes I know there are tons of variants!), SC48, SD9, Si1, possibly even filtering down to the likes of the Roland M400 and the LS9.


Riddled with flaws, due to differing specs and price points, but otherwise all you get is the advertising literature for each desk telling you it's the best one ever!

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So I'm waiting for there website to become more useful! So I'm seriously considering if the SD9 id really in the ball park of 14k I will be looking at it! So on another note

M7CL- Sounds terrible & cheap

Allen and Heath - Never been a fan of Allen and Grief

SC48 - Would consider love the Venue Series :)

Si1- Was very put off by the first SI not working at its launch at Plasa! Used to Love Soundcraft really put off since they went Digital.

LS9- Horrible Little Thing

M400- Really like the surface and the price would love to get down and dirty with the desk.

Mackie TT-24- Love the simplicity of the desk to cheap and cheerful for my liking


This is obviously just my opinion. I will be seriously considering the SD9 when it hits the market and there is full literature available. I love Digico desks there sound and there build quality.For me the defining thought about it will be how easy will it be to use and will I get people to hire it.


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I've more or less ordered one already, even though I haven't seen it, I trust the guys at DiGiCo implicitly!


Being an existing (and excited) DiGiCo user, the ability to take a MADI input from a full size Digirack powering FOH, pick whichever 40+ inputs you want for monitors, and THEN send it back out to a 56 track recorder on a single BNC cable is fantastic! The only other thing you need at the monitor position is a coffee machine, Turkish silk rug and your mobile phone charger, with any luck, you may even be able to charge it from the SD9, but I doubt it's recommended!


I think the one thing that gives the SD9 a huge plus over the other consoles is that this one is built with the super FPGA technology that their £80,000 SD7 console is made from, I doubt any of the other consoles in this 'small digital mixer league' (or maybe their big brothers) have anywhere near the number crunching ability!


As for the other consoles I have to (mostly) agree with Sam,


M7CL- Sounds terrible

Allen and Heath - I opened the case on the first iLive, and closed it immediately

SC48 - great, but still with an analog multi

Si1- Was very put off by the first SI not working... also!


LS9- I must admit I have a different opinion, the LS9 is a fantastic little box for what it is! but it IS what it IS! (for us, an RF crew comms matrix mixer)


M400- Again, great for what it is and at the price point

Mackie TT-24- I was put off mackie as a whole when it inflicted it's 'PA' on the world.


But out of all of these consoles, the only one I would consider turning up to a gig with and not having to worry about sonic quality is a DiGiCo!

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