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Buying a cue light system

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I have been tasked with getting a new cue light system for my theater the only problem is they don't want to spend mega bucks on it witch they can be, nor do they want me or my partner in crime in the stage electrics department to make one as the last one was home made and its temperamental hence the reason they want to buy or have a specialist to make it,


So is there any company's out there who will make one up or sell them on the cheap or if any of you lot have a second hand working one kicking about let me know






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Yeah, I can assemble all the rest of the parts my self its just the main circuit board am slightly out of depth on unless there was a Idiots guide in doing it haha



Hmmm...main circuit board you say...If the only thing you need to do with it is a light on an outstation to come on, and then be flashed back by the operator, all you need are a few transformers, switches and low voltage lamps!

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Hi Chris


Audio Light Systems in Edinburgh build custom cue systems either with flashing red or static red and can also supply ready made systems from several manufacturers.

you can contact them on 0131 657 6313 or e mail enquiry@audiolightsystems.com.

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Should probably just say here that thetechguru works for Audio Light Systems.


Have you also tried Stage LX / Northern Light? If you want to go for more advanced cue lights, there's always Softcue, although that might be slightly OTT for your situation

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The Leon System is sold in the UK and is available to purchase from Audio Light Systems in Edinburgh on 0131 657 6313!!!


Moderation: If you work for a company you are recommending, please make that clear in the post. We don't want our members thinking that it's an unbiased recommendation from a satisfied user, rather than a plug.

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Hi Chris,


Stage Electrics have now got the Interspace digital cue light systems available, if you talk to your local rep then they should be able to offer you some advice on getting the right system for you, they should also be able to offer you some discount. PM me if you would like a contact name and number?

Stage Electrics Cue Lights

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