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Freesounds Project


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'Morning All,

Is anyone else having problems with the Freesounds Project site?


I haven't used it for a couple of years, as most of my stuff is Panto & I have a fairly comprehensive database of sounds for that, but I've joined a group doing a stint at the DuMaurier Festival & find myself in need of some rather more subtle effects B-)


I can't log on to download - I have a username, but it won't accept any of the usual passwords I use and, although it appears to send a reactivation email, nothing arrives.


I've tried to register with new username & email address & again, it appears to send an activation email, but nothing arrives in my inbox.


I've checked the spam filters etc. and everything else is mailing OK: I get no response from the webmaster.


Foe the nonce, I'm playing clips on the site to stream them into Audacity: Am I likely to be losing quality by tyhis method? I'm only choosing 44.1 / wav. files, but I have a stinker of a cold at the mo. & can't really hear what I'm getting :D ; just trying to put some downtime to good use!




http://www.freesound.org/forum/index.php is the URL


PS Apologies for typo's, but I don't have a cursor! I don't know where the little b#$$^*'s gone, but I can only backspace everything to edit! It only seems to be a problem on here - everything else is OK.


P'raps it's caught my Virus!!

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