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static and dynamic calculations


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Hello everyone!

Maybe you can help me .. :angry:

I have a question, where can I get a lot of information about the calculation truss structures.

In particular I'm interested of static and dynamic calculations load of roofs. :( Maybe there is some data on this issue.

Thanks in advance.

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Have a read through this book, It's a good start: Amazon


(MODS: I don't know how to make it a link that makes the BR money?)









The number is the identifier from the url of the Amazon page. Usually near a "DP" as


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Thx Andy! I'll watch this stuff I hope that it's good book..

But may be somebody know about other things just like a programm or tables for calculation.

I'm not only designer but I'm engineer also. :D

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Hi stagediz you could have a look on the Prolyte website they are manufacturers of all types of truss and roofing systems and have a very good technical information section they also have a forum which you can join for the exchange of more information



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Depending on where you are, there are published guidelines and advice. In the UK the best place to start would be the iStructe "Guide To Temporary Demountable Structures", though the massive caveat applies, you really need to be a chartered civils/structurals engineer to think about this safely!!


From memory, the book is quite expensive if you just go out and buy it, it's a lot cheaper (/possibly free, can't remember, but I certaintly didn't pay much if I had to pay anything) if you're an iStructe/ICE member.




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  • 4 weeks later...

"Thx Andy! I'll watch this stuff I hope that it's good book..

But may be somebody know about other things just like a programm or tables for calculation.

I'm not only designer but I'm engineer also."


If you are a mechanical engineer why do you need to ask how to do static and dynamic calculations? Or are you an engineer from a different technical discipline?

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