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What Mic for Bright Female Vocals?


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It's the only mic in my arsenal missing at the moment. If a 'shrieky' kind of female vocalist comes along then I'm a bit stuck. I'll go for a SM58 and cut a bit of EQ but it's not the same as having the right mic for the voice...


So I guess I'm looking for something with quite a flat freq response in the top end.


What are you guys using?

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As Kevin points out, everybody will come up with a different answer, I'd probably start with an EV RE510 or 410 because most of our hire stock is EV, but probably a more helpful suggestion is to hire a few different ones and try them, or if possible bring your "artiste" into your local suppliers to try a few demo models. With mics and speakers it's always a good idea to listen before you buy if at all possible.
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You don't mention a budget but I'll have to agree with the KMS 104. It's a superb mic on female vocals--it'll convert "shrieky" to "silky sheen" and add a wonderful warmth. It's definitely one to audition.


If the Neumann is out of your price bracket, a second choice for me would be the Audix OM5--similar reasons, just not such a dramatic difference to the "reference" SM58. The Audix has a nice warm sound and controls that shrieky presence peak that the 58 has.



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Ah yes - the Audix, they are great for a lower budget! I keep getting told to try out the Blue microphone range.... Not that I have found a suitable gig but if you can get hold of a demo against the Neumann then it is worth a try!
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I never liked my OM5s, and friend K did not like his either.


I like OM7s on everybody (except on guy who stinks anyway). K likes E935s, but keeps an E835 for screechy fems.


Most of the truly superior mics (KMS105, VX10, PR20/22, 535EB, E965,...)pick up so much stage wash that they can be counted on for only certain types of gigs.

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I like OM7s on everybody (except on guy who stinks anyway). K likes E935s, but keeps an E835 for screechy fems.


I suspect you must work in situations where you have extremely high SPL levels on stage.


I have a couple of OM7s too and use them as a "get out of jail" card in situations where I'm fighting high ambient levels, for example a drummer who also sings. The OM7 is deliberately made with a tight polar pattern and very low sensitivity so, in the right situation, it's a useful mic. However, I'd hold back before recommending it as a general vocal mic for "normal" situations. For those, I prefer the sound of the OM5 (or maybe an OM6 depending on the pattern I need).


Horses for courses and all that.



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