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Instruments (and perhaps vocals) on CD

Josh 2

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Hello all,


I know I have seen this mentioned before on the forums, but I must be using the wrong search terms, because I can't find it.


Can anyone tell me if there is a CD, or even a download might be better, that has (common, as in pop/rock bands) individual instruments playing. Would also be nice with indiviual drums (snare/toms/cymbals etc) and as a bonus a similar recording of solo/backing vocals.


The reason for asking is I would like to practise mixer settings... is this a logical/sensible thing to do?


Thank you for any info.


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Very sensible - and a good way to practice eq, effects and balance.


I'm not sure I've got it on the laptop in my hotel - but I'm sure I can edit up a track that I can put up as the source files. Can't promise today, but I'll have a shot when I get some time

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Very sensible - and a good way to practice eq, effects and balance.


I'm not sure I've got it on the laptop in my hotel - but I'm sure I can edit up a track that I can put up as the source files. Can't promise today, but I'll have a shot when I get some time


Hi Paul,


Would very much appreciate it (any time), if it isn't causing you a lot of work.




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The "Soundcheck II" CD is pretty good for that. Loads of other test tones, sweeps, warbles etc. too. The most expensive CD I own but worth every penny.


Thanks for the info Shez,


I am sure that is a good recommendation, but perhaps due to my own incompetence, it would be overkill or more confusing at this moment... perhaps one day I'll get there. At the moment I just want to get each instrument sounding right and to be honest, my band never want to spend the time it takes me (probably my fault for not being quick enough!).



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You can have a play with When You Were Young by The Killers Part1 (77Mb zip file) and Part2 (87Mb zip file).


Hope this helps (and you don't hate the Killers :unsure: ).


For anyone viewing this thread in the future the above links will probably have been removed, PM me for details.

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Wow Russ - are those legal?!


I too am looking for more "familiar" and "commercial" stuff than I have access to from my own recording archive - multitrack recordings of commercial songs would indeed be a wonderful way to teach my newcomers about the "craft" of mixing, with or without lots of processing and outboard effects. I've long dreamed of being able to load up a familiar pop-song in my teaching sessions and show my guys/gals around the recording and get them mixing something more "fun" than they'll typically encounter.


Much of the multitrack stem content I've seen out there is either "remix loops", illegal or not worth listening to. If anyone "knows anyone" who might be willing to put out some material from their commercial archive on a legitimate basis, even if they charge a fee for the download/DVD/whatever then I think there's a good number of us who would be all over that action.


Meanwhile for the benefit of all, I'll see if I can get anything out of my archives that the artists would be happy to release in that format. It won't be "commercial" stuff, most of it recorded as experiments by up-and-coming musicians trying to make their way - but it would be a start and far better than anything I can find online myself, with or without Google. As it happens this ties up nicely with a DVD project I'm tying together for my own sound team here at work - so what benefits me might be of use elsewhere.

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You can have a play with When You Were Young by The Killers Part1 (77Mb zip file) and Part2 (87Mb zip file).


Hope this helps (and you don't hate the Killers :angry: ).


For anyone viewing this thread in the future the above links will probably have been removed, PM me for details.


Hi Russ, brilliant…many thanks.


Have downloaded the files and had a quick listen (no ‘mixer/play’ yet), but seems like it should sure get me started. Can I ask, do you do sound for this band and have those tracks already had any processing done on them?


I’m guess it is very basic for you pro guy’s, but I’ve never had any multitrack equipment/experience and I think I can learn a lot by doing this. If it isn’t asking too much, I’d really appreciate any more examples if anyone has any they can share.


Thank you again Russ.




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...... multitrack recordings of commercial songs would indeed be a wonderful way to teach my newcomers about the "craft" of mixing, with or without lots of processing and outboard effects. I've long dreamed of being able to load up a familiar pop-song in my teaching sessions and show my guys/gals around the recording and get them mixing something more "fun" than they'll typically encounter.


Hello Solstace,


As mentioned to Russ, newcomers like myself (or perhaps it’s just me!), don’t usually get to try these things and as a newcomer, I think it will help greatly.


I was originally thinking of entirely separate instruments, even down to the drums being individual sounds, rather than an entire kit or song, ‘for me’ I think that would still be a valid option, but Russ has made me think that there is also spill from different mics/instruments and other factors to deal with which, as you guy’s would have realized straight away, is also invaluable to learn.


So ‘second’ to your comments and agree, I couldn’t google anything nearing Russ’s tracks.



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.... Can I ask, do you do sound for this band and have those tracks already had any processing done on them?

I wish I did :angry: maybe in a 'few' years I'll go into more editing but for now my heart is with live work.


As far as I know those tracks are an earlier take and pre-mastering so they will have some compression and most of the effects are mixed down in tracks 10 and 11. Just by balancing all the tracks you will get something very close to the published track but if you try to put a click track to it or play it alongside the published version you will see why these didn't make the final master (either that or the studio did a lot of cutting and time stretching).


No, these are not publicly available tracks and were acquired via a friend for us to use a a teaching resource at school. As Josh's post wanted tracks to use for training I thought I would share them with the BR but they will be removed in a couple of days hence the note in my first post. These tracks are posted here for educational purposes and not to be remastered, sold or put on youtube in any format.

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...... As Josh's post wanted tracks to use for training I thought I would share them with the BR but they will be removed in a couple of days hence the note in my first post. These tracks are posted here for educational purposes and not to be remastered, sold or put on youtube in any format.


All understood, many thanks again Russ.


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Ooh - good reminder! :angry:


I did have a play with "Shock the Monkey" some years ago I think, but got rather bored of having to rearrange the "sample pack"/"remix stems" formatting into something resembling the original song - that put me off looking at anything else there! Interesting seeing "Games Without Frontiers" is there though... close enough to my original brief I think to be worth a look.

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I use various gigs that I have recorded as a teaching resource on my BTEC live sound course, as getting a band to play the same bit over and over and over is much harder than pressing 'loop' on cubase!!! The beauty of multitrack recordings!

Cheers for When you were young, this might get put in the pile of bits for my students to practice mixing upon!

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